(answered) Signatures?


Aug 23, 2007
Did you guys remove the ability to add signatures?
I can't find where to set it...
I would like to add a signature. Everyone keeps asking me to how to mediate. I think it would be very beneficial for some if I just put it in my sig so all can see
bluelight is not a democracy. we have no plans to revisit the idea of signatures for all members.

Can we receive the privilege of having a signature if we donate X amount of money to MAPS or wherever it is your donation go? Or, perhaps, once reach 1000 posts or even 2000 posts and have proven that you're intelligent and responsible enough to be on this forum - then could we be given the privilege of having a signature?

I'm sure many veteran posters would also agree with me that being able to have a signature would be beneficial for most everyone. Especially since I've, personally, written up many threads about HR and I would love to share those posts with anyone who see's another post of mine.

With that being said, however, I understand that this is your forum and you have to agree to BULA in order to have an account. But that's just my thought - it would be a better opportunity for people to share the importance of HR and therefore could really raise the public opinion of Bluelight. I believe it would show that many intelligent people are here and that this isn't a forum for a bunch of drug addicts who want to know how to get a better high.

Some people may still see Bluelight as the ladder, however, intelligent posters really show that HR is the most important thing for any drug user to respect and by being able to have a short signature, they could link many HR posts/threads created by them or others, that everyone need's to see.

Unfortunately, however, people don't understand that you can't make an addict stop using. They have to want it themselves. You can do everything in your power to try and change that addict but no matter what you do - they'll always find a way to get their fix. Even if that means they have to drink mouthwash if their an alcoholic, or shoot up dangerous designer opioids. Bluelight isn't about enabling people to use drugs. It's purely meant for the people who are already in the mindset of using drugs.

Bluelight is here simply to make sure that; if you use drugs, you do it as safely as possible. And having written up several HR threads that have gained a lot of attention myself - I think it would really contribute to Bluelight's reputation, and be of great benefit for anyone who visits this website if I (or anyone else who has contributed in the name of HR) to be able to link their threads in all of their posts.
So I'm guessing that's a no? I'd just like some sort of response if you guy's don't mind....
Is alasdair's response not clear enough?
The privilege of having a signature is limited to staff. Y'know...the people that volunteer their time to keep this place running.

If your contributions have been of such standout importance, surely people will need no help in finding them....