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Mid-term after effects


Jul 19, 2003
I'd like to hear some discussion about after effects of MDMA that I'd call mid-term effects; these are effects experienced beginning a few days after using MDMA and lasting for 4 to 8 weeks afterward.

I'm a long-term user who over a period of close to a decade did the MDMA cycle of moderate, then frequent and now rare use. Now that I have much longer to recover between periods of using MDMA, I'm becoming acutely aware of these mid-term effects.

For me they last roughly 4 to 8 weeks with some of them ending very suddenly and others slowly diminishing over time. Several key features are that my social anxiety (which I normally manage very well) becomes much more prominent, I have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings and my motivation at work and in my personal life takes a big hit. I'm normally quite an enthusiastic, optimistic person but life takes on a bit of a pall and I feel somewhat "flat" and apathetic.

Some of the more troubling mid-term after effects for me are that my sex drive is for all intents and purposes completely lost for a period of two or more months. I can still perform sexually but it becomes much more this pleasure-neutral thing "to do" instead of having any real sexual drive or desire. This particular effect ends abruptly when one day about 2 or 3 months later I suddenly get a big wave of sexual desire and breathe a sign of relief that "it's back".

Another interesting effect for me is that nearly without fail after using MDMA I gain a significant amount of weight in the month that follows. For example, I used MDMA 3.5 weeks ago and have gained 9 pounds since then. Every time this happens I end up losing this weight through diet and exercise, but a 6 to 10+ pound gain has been associated with nearly every MDMA episode for the past couple of years.

It seems obvious as I post this that I should never touch MDMA again, but the pleasure response being what it is, I'm obviously not at a point where my brain feels the mid-term effects outweigh the short-term pleasure.

I'm wondering if this is perhaps a form of short-term mild clinical depression brought about by using MDMA? I've never really experienced any depression problems in my life, but it kind of aligns with what I've read about depression.

Anybody else get anything like this?
audio hallucinations, weight loss, rem sleep, memory loss, blurred vision. heard shit for like a month and a half after consuming grams worth

thats what i experienced and now that i reread your question i will post an actual answer. yes it certainly is a form of depression. it depletes the serotonin in your brain. less serotonin = depression
molly 897, im going through the axact same thing.... Did you fully recover? and if so how long did it take...? ive been feeling this way for 2 months and it still has yet to subside... dont have any audio hallucinations though. just had bad anxiety, and depression, blurred vision, dreamyish state of concousness, memory problems, focusing problems, tinlgy feeling in my head.
I experienced these things to during my more frequent rolling days and sometimes they linger past that 8 weeks mark, actually usually they do. Im now like 8 months off of my last mdma dose and they have pretty much gone away yet i still smoke weed daily which i attribute some anxiety and stuff to that. But i'd say it takes longer for the negative effects to completely vanish, just remember they WILL leave.
molly 897, im going through the axact same thing.... Did you fully recover? and if so how long did it take...? ive been feeling this way for 2 months and it still has yet to subside... dont have any audio hallucinations though. just had bad anxiety, and depression, blurred vision, dreamyish state of concousness, memory problems, focusing problems, tinlgy feeling in my head.

i think i killed alot of serotonin and its going to take a while. just like when you gain 100lbs itll take you double the time it took you to gain it, to lose it. audio hallucinations went away after two weeks, visions still worse and my memory is damn pathetic. multitasking abilities are gone and sometimes i catch myself for no reason not listening. i stopped doing molly and thats all you can do i guess to try to get back to normal. i WAS on lexapro for one day (..) and now im on wellbutrin so i guess this is another way (antidepressants)

god, i remember feeling so disconnected from the world and praying id feel anything but that again. knew right away when I stopped feeling like that. thats really what makes people suicidal imo because that was some dark fucking shit
yeah man i hear you........ i still cant even comprehend how i got this fucked up from one night... when i didnt even do much compared to my friends.... there perfectly fine.
last time i did e/mdma was 2 years prior to this ocation, that messed me up... and i was fine then... its messed up man

I'm reading alot of posts and stuff around that MDMA isn't really that safe .

Should I even touch the shite again!?!?
up to u bro.... i think that i was predisposed for some sort of mental condition... i just dont understand how i have done drugs in the passed and nothing happens or i get a little bit of anxiety and it goes away... and all of a sudden i have, anxiety, depression, deprersonalization, just not feeling mentally fit.... its shitty bro, but to each there own, i wouldnt wish this feeling im going through upon my worst enemy.
up to u bro.... i think that i was predisposed for some sort of mental condition... i just dont understand how i have done drugs in the passed and nothing happens or i get a little bit of anxiety and it goes away... and all of a sudden i have, anxiety, depression, deprersonalization, just not feeling mentally fit.... its shitty bro, but to each there own, i wouldnt wish this feeling im going through upon my worst enemy.

I totally feel you on this drizzy, who would of thought that even a low use of mdma with month or more breaks in between will still make you have those listed negative effects. This is some seriously powerful chemical.
I have been starting to feel a bit of an improvement slowly.... my Derealization only kicked in at night today..... I kept really busy during the day (installed ceramic tiles), but noticed that once it started to get dark my vision started to get weird and almost dimmed - dreamy like - blurryish (hard to describe exactly what its like), even though i havent really had that "happy", and "excited" about life feeling, i have usually constantly had pre-mdma, just gives me hope that i can possibly shake off this fucked up state... i think i need a therapist to talk to, not a forum?? lol.....

but really tho guys i appreciate the positive feedback and it really does help being able to someone relate to people, especially in these curcumstaces... when i tell my friends or try to talk to someone close about it, they just get confused, and dont really understand lol.
---- i probably wouldnt, if i was feeling how i used to and one of my friends tried to tell me all this shit... woulda thought it was impossible.
Well one week ago yesterday marks 1 year of me rolling, and although I've only done it a handful of times, I do think I have a rather firm grasp on my baseline perspective that gives me some good insight into the effects of drugs. Probably more important is that I'm a college athlete, so my workouts give me a good perspective on how much anything is affecting my body or will to work.

I had an incident on New Years where I took far too many pills and had to deal with a very long, very difficult comedown that was basically along the exact same lines as you described. It only lasted about 3 weeks but I got a taste for it that allowed me to understand what you're talking about.

From my experience I can guarantee that you can get through all of your lingering effects, but in order to do that it's paramount that you meditate. Basically you've taken a chemical that directly stimulates your brain, snatches your mind along for the ride, then after one night of hellacious fun the two are left completely out of wack. Meditation will work on bringing the two back together into a balance, which is what you want. If you want some more advice on meditation, please let me know, it really worked for me and I'd be glad to get someone else on the same track.

Oh and for the weight gain thing, after this last time I rolled off clean pills and molly I was STARVING for like a week straight, and I was craving hamburgers and sweets lol. Don't quote me on this, but I hypothesize that it has something to do with your brain craving depleted vitamins and nutrients. Your brain consumes 20% of your daily calories, and it gets it all in the form of glucose which is derived from carbohydrates (sugars). I think when you work your brain so hard for a night it needs a lot of time to catch up food wise.

Hope this helps, let me know if you want any more advice?