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* Valentines Day*- Love it or Hate it??


Apr 14, 2002
Just wondering what folks thinks of Valentines day.
Do you use this as a way to express your deepest feelings to your beloved or is every day Valentines day in your relationship?
Do you think it's all a load of shit and should be scrapped off the calender?
im not happy bout valentines day this yr :(
but on a brighter note i have always liked it...just a nice excuse to be all lovey dovey but i hate the whole marketring ploy about it...every day should be a good day 2 be lovey dovey
When I have a girlfriend I quite enjoy the whole valentines day deal ,dinner flowers presents and the romantic evening with just the 2 of you.
But...When your single its just another fucking day in the year is it not? ;)
When is it anyway?
I figure that for single people, this is the best day of the year to try and pick up. because while most couples are off doing couply things most city bars and what not will be filled with all the single people...well that's the theory i'm working on.
However, as most of my friends are now in a relationship of sorts i'll be spending this year's V day as i've spent every other...at home.
It's a conspiracy for men to spend more money on their g/f's. I'll be taking my g/f to a park in the city with some wine and food. I won’t be buying flowers this year, can't even get anything decent for less than $100.
it's shit. and i'm not just saying that because i'm always single :)
no, it really does suck - there's this huge expectation about the day, and all the prices are increased, there's this huge amount of shitty never-gonna-be-used-again merchandise for sale, and it's just generally crap.
if you're lucky enough to have a s/o, treat them nice every day. sure, take them out to dinner or do something romantic every so often *too* but do it when you want...make it a surprise.
The guy I sit next to just spent $650 for a hotel room in a city hotel on Friday night. Instead, he could have actually made a half decent effort himself, pack a basket of food and take her down to the beach for dinner and she'd still love him.
Maybe he thinks that if he doesn't spend up big she won't love him anymore.
It's all a bit sad peeps, use your friggin' imagination.
Personally i like valentines day and think its great, but then i think its over rated as well...
^^^ girls are *always* gonna like valentines day more, because it's generally a day centered around them. not that the female in a hetro. relationship isn't going to make an effort, but i think there's far more emphasis placed on the guy's input into the day.
so, the girl's the one being treated to a day out, so they're gonna be happier with it, of course.
it still sucks though :)
I've been with my boy for 5 years and we have never done anything huge on Valentines except i think the first one when we were together.
ATM we are both trying to save money so there is no way we will be buying presents for each other just because it's valentines day.
We will just be spending time with each other, more than likely we will go fishing at a nice quiet spot together :)
Hrmm, just starting of something special, so this valentines is going to be just that, special :)
Meh, just another day for me, as i've always been single on valentines day, Way overrated, and a day where flowers, choclates and the like are always overpriced. I would be happy if they got rid of it.
Anyway you don't need a day where you can show your affection for your loved one, you can do show it anytime of the year, not just one day a year.
It depends on how the day is treated. I think the original idea was a good one: just a special day to go out of your way to let someone know how much you love them. The problem is people seem to think it's a competition and the person who spends the most on their valentine is obviously the one who loves their partner the most. How ridiculous.
My boy will be lucky if he receives a card ...but I'll defintely show him how much I love him.
And we turn to the simpsons...
"Happy Love Day!!!!"
Stupid commercial day designed to sell more products. If you are going to give a gift to someone then it is better you do it for no particular reason other than you love them, and giving them something a bit more personal than flowers or a fucked up teddy bear with love hearts on it.
The best gifts are those given out without a reason.
As if your partner wouldn't value your effort more if it wasn't done out of obligation to a commercial day.
Bah, maybe i'm cynical, actually yeh i'm cynical but you shouldn't need a day like valentines day to profess your love for your partner or what not.
The Simpsons have just taken the words out of my mouth to describe most things, least of all Valentines Day. Lisa described the concept of 'romance' exactly how I would describe Valentines Day.... (but it's only because I'm jaded and single...if I had a partner no doubt I'd adore the day...fickle but true)
"Mom, romance is dead. It was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, then sold off piece by piece."
I think it rocks.
Kinda suxs being single this year, but any reason to make people stand around and feel happy is a good one.
I dont give a damn if its over-hyped, over-priced or over-anything - seeing a huge variety of people stand around for a day and remember that being in love and / or making someone else feel special is a good thing, is fantastic.
"I dont need a day to tell someone I love them" blah blah fucking blah.
Shup` and give whoevers special in your life a cuddle, for no other reason then you can, and then when its not valentines day do it again.
^^^ girls are *always* gonna like valentines day more, because it's generally a day centered around them. not that the female in a hetro. relationship isn't going to make an effort, but i think there's far more emphasis placed on the guy's input into the day.
^^^^ I disagree, onetwothreefour. Perhaps that's how the media potrays it, but I - and many other girls I know - are the ones who put the effort in, *not* their boyfriends.
There's a lot more pants-wearing gals in relationships these days ;) . Personally, I've NEVER sat back and recieved the princess treatment on V Day :( - I've always had to book the restaurant, organise the presents, ring the taxi. Shit, I even pay for myself and sometimes him too.
But I do it because I don't care what occasion it is, I'm always looking for an excuse to go out and party, or create a beautiful memory.
Everyday life can unfortunately cause romance slip by the wayside. That's reality. If Valentine's day creates a space in which couples put aside time to remember what they mean to each other - I'm all for it. It doesn't matter how you express that, a rose picked from the garden or a $1000 hotel room... as long as it's a special gesture from the heart.
I don't buy into the cynicism. Sure, you *should* do little things every day; but after 6 months of a relationship, who does? We need reminders. I don't even care if I have to organise the whole frigging thing! I love it.
I think there should be a Valentine's day at least 4 times a year . :D