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Opiate Itch


Oct 1, 2006
**yawn** Good morning Bluelight:

Forgive me for opening a new thread about this because I am pretty damn sure this has already been discussed but I was unable to find it so here I go:

Anyone know any good remedies for opiate itch, I used to only get it when I first started using and I loved it, then I stopped getting it and I missed it.

Now, as a regular heroin user I have been getting the damn itch to the point I rub my face until it swells and end up with scratch marks, really dry skin and sometimes the tip of my nose or nostrils even bleeds from rubbing/itching so much. Does anyone know of a good way to avoid the opiate itches or perhaps even a cream that would reduce the damage I do to my face itching it so much?

**yawn** Good morning Bluelight:

Forgive me for opening a new thread about this because I am pretty damn sure this has already been discussed but I was unable to find it so here I go:

Anyone know any good remedies for opiate itch, I used to only get it when I first started using and I loved it, then I stopped getting it and I missed it.

Now, as a regular heroin user I have been getting the damn itch to the point I rub my face until it swells and end up with scratch marks, really dry skin and sometimes the tip of my nose or nostrils even bleeds from rubbing/itching so much. Does anyone know of a good way to avoid the opiate itches or perhaps even a cream that would reduce the damage I do to my face itching it so much?


antihystamines are your best shot, although i don't understand why you'd wanna miss out on those lovely itches.

hear that immodium (anti-diarrhea tabs) are supposedly quite good too and apparently potentiate the opiates also. have never tried this, so can't confirm 100%, just read about it.
antihystamines are your best shot, although i don't understand why you'd wanna miss out on those lovely itches.

hear that immodium (anti-diarrhea tabs) are supposedly quite good too and apparently potentiate the opiates also. have never tried this, so can't confirm 100%, just read about it.

When you itch to the point you damage you do visible damage to your face like I have been doing you wont think of them as lovely itches anymore.

Anti-diarrhea tabs and opiates sounds like a recipe for disaster my piping gets backed up enough just from the opiates :|

Thanks for the suggestion though, I think I have some anti-histamines laying around I'll give them a shot.
When you itch to the point you damage you do visible damage to your face like I have been doing you wont think of them as lovely itches anymore.

Anti-diarrhea tabs and opiates sounds like a recipe for disaster my piping gets backed up enough just from the opiates :|

Thanks for the suggestion though, I think I have some anti-histamines laying around I'll give them a shot.

aye, i guess if it's that bad that you're doing physical damage then you might need to try something.

anti-hystamines sounds like your best bet then.

the immodium thing was just something i'd heard and i'd agree that it doesn't sound like a good idea combining that with the opiate induced constipation.

anyway, i hope you find something that helps man
prometazine and diphrenhydramine are both good for the itch and also boost the sedating effect of the opiates :)
Yep, diphenhydramine usually helps and makes you nod harder IME.

But I do so enjoy those itches!
Eurolite prometazine and diphenhydramine are both sedative anti-histamines.

Also Loperamide (Imodium's one of the brand name's) is an opioid related to methadone but it doesn't pass the blood-brain-barrier (BBB for short) thus not causing euphoria, killing pain or the itches.
I'm guessing Pucko recommended it cause 'maybe' (I don't know, this is me assuming) it has a higher affinity for the opioid receptors outside the CNS and Brain than which ever opiate or opioid you're taking (Diamorphine/Heroin?) and thus less likely to itch.
I'm not sure if it's true and I did mention that I was assuming that science stuff!

I have taken loperamide with methadone before, but not to combat the itches but to hopefully increase bioavailability via the loperamide taken up certain liver enzymes time and allowing more meth' into my blood stream. I can't remember if it was a good potentiator or if it helped the itches.

I'm like you Eurolite, I hate the itches. I used to love them, I still do when I'm high as hell and they're mild but I mostly get really bad itches and scratch till I bleed and what not.

I'm prescribed Hydroxyzine (Brand names - Atarax, Ucerax, Vistaril and proabably some other's) I get it as 25mg Ucerax tablets and take 4 (That's 100mg) with my opioid dose (My Opi' of choice is Methadone) but I still get some itches, sometimes really bad.

The 1st Generation of Anti-Histamines is what you want for beating the itches as the 1st Gen' also have opioid-sparing effects i.e. you can use less opioid as the anti-histamine acts as a booster cause they're sedatives. The newer anti-histamines aren't sedative (They are in a small minority) so purchase the older kind.
Hydroxyzine from what my doc' said is the best for the itches.
Promethazine is the most sedative and has been used as a recreational drug by itself

Don't go overboard on the anti-histamines as they're anti-cholinergic and will cause delirium, which you don't want!

At 100mg of hydroxyzine I begin to get the anti-cholinergic effects and get corner eye visuals (hallucinations). Depending on what I'm doing and where I am it can be black cats and flys to just black spots, these all disappear when I turn to look at them.
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Thanks for the input, and yes I learned the hard way deleriants are bad I dabbled with an ayahuasca also containing datura and had to be tied down to prevent hurting myself. Worst experience in my life, take it from someone with first hand experience deleriants are not fun stay away from them! stay far far away!
Someone told me to put deodorant on where it itches, I havent tried this so i'm not sure why or how it'd work.
Maybe anti itch cream or putting a hot towel on your skin
how the fuck can u enjoy the itches

They are great....
Laying in bed, all warm and tingly, nodding in and out....
And best of all are the little itchies I get on my stomach :)
Everyone's different.....

But if you don't like them...antihistimes work just fine