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Do drugs enhance your viewing pleasure?


Bluelight Crew
Jun 14, 2004
It's always a bit of a split decision for me.

On psychedelics, I find it difficult to concentrate on the TV or be interested in what's being displayed on its two-dimensional screen. The three dimensional world seems so much more interesting.

On cannabis, my mind tends to wander too wildly. I struggle to follow a storyline because of spiralling tangents that divert my attention elsewhere. Films end up appearing like a procession of random scenes in a patchwork quilt... one with the stitching start to show.

How about you?
i have a bit of a love-hate relationship with the marijuana (related reading: ducks and vomit)

that said, i love getting baked to watch movies - both in the comfort of my home and at the cinema. my friends and i call it 'watching in extravision' and it often adds a great deal of enjoyment, and often confusion, to the movie-watching experience.

When I used to smoke It was hard for me to watch movies and even harder to watch television. All I could see was people acting if that makes any sense. I couldn't let go and believe, all I was was people in front of a camera. That in itself made it kind of funny sometimes but for the most part sucked any "magic" that was there out of it.
For me...

Weed or beer can make movies funnier.

Opiates can make movies more dramatic.

On Stimulants and psychedelics, i cant watch movies.
back in my strange daze, a few years ago now, i LOVED to watch a good movie on psychedelics. almost as much as i loved going for long walks.

one of the most awesome movie experiences i had was to watch, on my own, pink floyd the wall, 2001 a space odyssey and a clockwork orange in a row on acid.

but then when i began having bad turns, some movies found it easy to trigger panic. one of the last ones, batman begins, i had to walk out of my second viewing during the scene of them dumping the crazy toxin into the city water supply. think about how that under a strong psychedelic influence can be taken out of context. on my way home, and with a LOT of effort, i literally willed myself back to sobriety leaving me with a headache.

i don't touch the green.
It depends on what you're watching. I can't watch anything intelligent on weed.
But stupid shit like Fast And The Furious and other stuff stuff I would never normally watch take on new meaning. Godzilla movies + weed = awesome.
And unlike with alcohol, silent movies go really well with weed.
2CB + anything remotely funny = for the win. :)

most other drugs, i wouldn't have the concentration necessary to watch anything.
Weed can be great for movies.

Psychedelics, not so much... after seeing Sin City I decided to go see it again, but drop acid beforehand... I had to leave the theatre.

LOVE getting drunk and seeing a flick tho. Either at home, just drink beers while I watch, or go to the theatre and do shots in the car before I go in. (I don't drive, so spare me)
acid + eraserhead = intellectual ecstacy
scary movies are mandatory when i trip. but i've never gone to a theatre; i don't think i'd be comfortable cuz i usually need to get up and move around a bit. plus the whole driving issue would be a problem.

i think it was either amt or 2ct4 when i started to think that part of the mall from Dawn of the Dead was in my living room, and it was kind of being acted out in front of me. awesome.
Different states of mind with weed and opiates.

I can't pay attention to the screen when I'm on psychedelics unless I'm watching something like 2001 or Apocalyse Now on a huge-ass movie screen. I saw both of those in old (big) movie theatres in 70mm and both experiences were fucking fantastic.

I don't really use anything but weed and opiates regularly. Oh yeah, benzos every day but I don't count those because they just take the edge off at this point.

I definitely prefer to watch pretty much anything on weed. Strangely enough I concentrate more. And the emotional impact is greatly enhanced.

Opiates, on the other hand, give me some really interesting emotional reactions to intense films. There's an extra layer of mediation so I'm able to watch really intense films and explore the emotional impact from a distance. I've always been a pussy about watching really harsh movies and opiates have allowed me to lose my fear of them. Which is cool. It's totally expanded the range of the films I can enjoy.
I am 50/50 regarding psychedelics and movies. Sometime, I have an amazing experience (re: Better Living Through Circuitry on 2-ct-7 or Monkeybone on acid), but a lot of the time I can't follow the story, or I get too easily distracted. Especially trying to watch a movie while rolling; I usually can't even carry on a conversation, let alone follow a plot!

I just got a spiffy new hdtv and a blu-ray player, so I am thinking its about time for another round of TripTV. Maybe the new issue of Blade Runner?

Oh, and I also don't touch the green.
tambourine-man said:
On psychedelics, I find it difficult to concentrate on the TV or be interested in what's being displayed on its two-dimensional screen.

It's the same for me. I just end up getting really restless almost as soon as the DVD goes in.

I did watch the Andy Warhol movie, Blood For Dracula on acid one time. It absolutely terrified me as all the actors looked like lizards. I've not been able to watch it since, and I usually love horror movies :\

tambourine-man said:
On cannabis, my mind tends to wander too wildly. I struggle to follow a storyline because of spiralling tangents that divert my attention elsewhere.

I hear you there too.

I once watched Coronation Street after a few cakes and I was convinced I'd seen it before as I thought I kept predicting the next scene =D. I also watched The Seven Year Itch and got really confused by the story. In fact, I might try and make sense of it today =D
I love it and prefer it.

Recent example: There's a scene near the end of Crank where the character gets in an elevator with another guy and isn't feeling so well and starts hallucinating. His hallucinations mixed with my hallucinations and the result was just.. .whoah.

And I like that kind of thing.

Also, see my avatar.

For example, was just watching an episode of Six Feet Under, where one of the leading characters dies(Nate)...

The following diolgue ensues:
"Where is your suit."
"Im wearing it dude"...
"Are you ready"
"I guess so"

" You stocked?"

"I guess"...

"You guess, you asshole?We've been waiting this for our whole ENTIRE Lives

Very intense scene by the way
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i like opiates (concentration, empathy, profundity) and low dose DOx ('movie magic' blows my mind). weed is great for one-liners and noticing obscure things but bad for cognition ... i like it best for porn, which it really brings to life. most psychedelics make the experience seem artificial and awkward.