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TV: My Name is Earl

Dark Ambience

Jul 25, 2005
Anyone else been watching this. I just downloaded the pilot and was quite impressed. Sure, it's been done before but this show seems to be quite original in it's comedy. I laughed my ass off at least twice during the pilot. Definitely worth the watch.

Basic plot line:

Earl is a low-life who finds a winning lottery ticket, only to get hit by a car, losing the ticket in the process. He then realizes in the hospital that his bad luck is the result of karma in which fate punishes him for all the rotten things he's ever done in his life; therefore, he then decides to dedicate his life to making amends to all the people he has hurt in his life.

my hubby and i watched one night when they played 3 or 4 in a row and we were really impressed. Havent bothered adding it to the dvr, but it WAS funny. i have always had a little crush on jason lee thoughm so a bit biased
my friend said he didn't get it, but on morning radio here they rave about it. yet to catch it. i guess i need a remote for my tv before I buy a DVR eh?
this show is really good. i've always liked jason lee in everything i've seen him in, and (can't remember her name) redneck chick ex-wife married a black guy and took in his kids lady is hilarious. you know..the chick from "joe dirt"?

this show doesn't show any sign of NOT being funny, i've laughed so hard so many times, i've almost woke the baby! :)
Jaime Presly is her name, she is a hottie, and very very good at playing white trash. She was in the Jerry Springer movie too, same kinda character.
This show is just absolutely hilarious. It's got that retarded humor behind it that Jason Lee is just damn good at. And besides how could you not laugh at his get-up in the show??
DarthMom said:
Jaime Presly is her name, she is a hottie, and very very good at playing white trash. She was in the Jerry Springer movie too, same kinda character.

OMG, yes, she is definitely a hottie! i think i saw the jerry springer movie, but it's a hazy memory. she was also in "not another teen movie".
I just saw an episode taped last night for the first time, and absolutely loved it. It's easily the funniest sitcom I've seen, and it has the kind of bizarre humor and rapid-fire gags that I've always been partial to.
Big thumbs up here.

Excellent casting, clever writing and most importantly, one of the all-time greatest premises in sit-com history.
been following jason lee since he was a skatepunk in the early and mid 90's so i'm a little biased. i think he was an excellent skater and an even better personality perfectly quirky timing, kinda jon stewartesque....but not.

thumbs up, or down for those of you hanging upside down.
This is one of the best shows on TV. I've seen about 8 eps, and honestly Jason Lee is one of the funniest people around.

(Australia is way behind the states in TV)
yeah i thought this was going to be terrible, but after a few minutes of watching it had me cracking up.

and wasnt that black guy in those comercials(forget for what exactly) that played the rubberband man song in?

o man i love that song. "ruber bannnd, rubber band mannnn"
crab, who you mean, is not TI (AKA the rubberband man)

he was in the office depot commericals. not to be confused with the other black guy with afro curls from all types of commercials from mcdonalds to baileys
I've watched this since the first episode. It's rare that I get into a comedy but this one is great. The guy that plays Randy is awesome too, I can't think of his name right off the top of my head, but he's awesome in that role.
This past episode (the season premiere) was great. I grew up in a totally redneck town and these characters actually remind me of people I knew. A friend of mine bought new furniture and it wouldn't fit in her trailer.8( Go joy!