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Is it possible for pills to contain active LSD?


Bluelight Crew
Oct 23, 1999
This subject has been brought up a few times before, but i don't think I've ever gotten a straight answer.
Now, despite the fact that people left, right and centre seem sure that LSD is present in some (albeit crappy aussie made) pills, I have been led to believe that the fragile nature of LSD (being heat/light senstive) makes it impossible for it to withstand the pressing of the pills (they use heat in a pill press yeah? if not, then my whole theory goes to crap).
So, even if LSD WAS pressed into pill form, or added to Speed and called ecstasy - it would retain little if any of its effects because of exposure to heat.
What do the people who know shit about chemistry think of this?
Is it possible for any of the E testers around to test for LSD?
Well, mona, I always thought the same as you when it came to acid in pills - there is no way that it could survive the pressing process.
However after seeing bits of paper in pills myself and spending some time on the phone with Ghost to make sure she was OK after consuming a pill with acid in it.... I'm not sure anymore.
There is spot test for LSD, however its a bit more of an effort than 'scrape and drop'
Sorry I can't add much more than "well, perhaps maybe "
the test for LSD is called Ehrlich’s Reageant. i'm trying to find out a bit more about it, but yeah it would be harder to use than other reagents as it takes only the tiniest amount of LSD to be active (active in the body, not the reagent).
i think it is possible for LSD to remain in active doses in a pill, even if it has been heat-pressed. it just falls in to the "terrible waste" catergory, like cocaine in pills.
It is not possible that someone, for whatever reason, may put liquid acid on a pill?
Only paper seems to have been mentioned... But what if, say , someone decided to drop a pill into a small container of acid and let it soak for a while? Surely that would work?
About 5 years ago I got one of the best trips I've ever had, called a "Vitamin T".
It was a vitamin c tablet that had supposedly had lsd liquid dropped on it.
Me and 2 friends were a bit sceptical, but tried them (they tasted like extra bitter vit c) and tripped intensely for about 6 hours. Anyone heard of these vitamin T's before?
Well quite a while ago i had thease yellow tweetys and thay had some paper in them and not long after taking them i was on a different planet. I thought WTF thease pills have paper in them thats not right i know cos i used to chue my pills and it got stuck on my teeth.
My explanation in the past has always been:
Crumbly, crappy pills are the only ones I've seen with active LSD in them. They have not had heat used in the pressing. Hence much of the LSD survives.
Yeah, I think it's possible for blotter to be added to pills.
Apparently, one of the biker gangs was doing this a few years ago. But, be careful of rumors.
One time I had this largish egg shaped pill, nothing happened far a long time, and then I was kind of tripping (long story). So I thought I must have had one of those biker pills with acid. On reflection, what I had really had was a MDA pill.
I've come a cross plenty of locally made pills with slivers of blotter acid in them.
I almost always snort my pills and thus I tend to find any "hidden extras" during the crushing process. I collected up a bunch of the paper slivers once (from about 5 inividual pills) and just dropped the paper...Yup i was LSD alright

Pills are pressed "cold". Most chemical reactions occur better under heat. That's what a bunsen burner is for. Whilst there is some heat generated when pressing a pill (kinetic to thermal energy) it isn't enough to render the LSD inert.
Toeing the line vs. the "E-Conspiracy"
ive been wondering about this since sat nite..when i was at happy valley and dropped to white butterfly's...which aren't local pills btw. the thing is the first one had no hallucinating at all...however when i took the 2nd one a few hours later..wham..i was on a total acid trip...no way to mistake it!!
know all about the heat process and it nulling the effects of LSD sorta...but why can't they just use liquid after the pill is pressed? ive now been in touch with 2 canadian over here who have made pills back home (its quite common to have xtc labs in all the well to do areas back home in canada) and both of them said they quite commonly put LSD in pills..however at the time i never thought to ask how!
Yes well I have seen trips in pills a great example was a batch going around brisbane a little bit back, the name has slipped me, but didn't drop one personally, but saw them crushed and saw the slither of paper in them. Tested clear. I have a friend who is extremely sensitive to physcoactives, and reacted strongly also to people I talked with described it as a tripping experience, also these pills had dxm in them to.
Also with the pressing process I know some press machines work on heat and compression but some also cold compress. Also there wouldn't be any reason why in the original powder mixture that you could not add liquid lsd into the mix then compress. This would explain why you have crumbly pills because the moisture would prevent the compaction in the pills....
[This message has been edited by R0amer (edited 13 February 2001).]
in the above mentioned episode by Soma, the pill in subject was a pink star heart, approx. 8mm dia. 4mm thick. dark-ish bits can be seen in the pill, which prompted me to chop it up into powder and extract the bits. these turned out to be paper. i consumed the paper by themselves to see wat they really were, and yep i was tripping balls.