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tv: Smallville


Jul 31, 2000

I can't believe no one has started a thread on this already.

Did anyone see the double episode last night? My god it was good! Lots of interesting twists. ;)

I just got into the series a few months ago (by catching older versions on cable) and now I'm hooked. This show has some of the best writers and perfect casting I've seen.

Can't wait to see next week's episode. :D
i liked it when it first started and watched it until it butted up against something else... 24 i think... and i dropped it
would i be able to record it now and watch without all the catch up?
Yes, I think so. I pretty much did the same thing as you (except I was watching That 70's Show - which has gone WAY down hill the last 2 seasons and is not worth watching at all anymore). Although you miss some of the background story it's not too hard to figure out what they are talking about.
I didn't watch the first season until the very end, and I got into it. I watched the second season every week. I haven't really paid attention since (are they on the 4th season already?). I pretty much give any WB drama a chance lol.

I would have thought I'd be really into this show. I LOVED the show "Lois and Clark the New Adventures of Superman" (with Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain) years ago. I'm also hardly ever home on Wednesdays (it's on Weds, right? lol) and my VCR is acting spastic lately so I can't tape anything anyway :(
Hands down my favorite show (with "Scrubs" coming in a close second). I have been a die hard Superman fan since I was two years old - my mom still has my very first pair of Superman underoos saved away somewhere to prove it. ;)

I agree the writing is superb - as is the casting of the characters. Tom Welling perfectly embodies the wholesome good looks/naivity that is Clark Kent while Michael Rosenbaum has honed his interpretation of a young Lex Luthor to a tee. John Schneider as Jonathan Kent manages to play such a great father figure while still reminding me subconsciously of the good ol' days of Bo and Luke Duke in the General Lee. :)

Gotta love the episode titled "Run" with :The Flash or rather, the kid who will later become the Flash. The race between him and Clark was classic. I've even heard rumors online that the WB is thinking about spinning off a new series based on his Character.
^^I did see that episode. It was really excellent and I'd definitely watch a spinoff show of that character.

lol @ Dukes of Hazard. I used to watch that show too.

SLG - It is in the 4th season

Here's a site from the WB that has some information for anyone that wants to catch up (read) on old episodes: http://www.thewb.com/Shows/Show/0,7353,||126,00.html
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The finale for this season was pretty impressive, although a bit predictable.

But kind of glad I watched this episode before heading out to partying last night, cause I was tripping balls thinking about some part of this episode;)

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