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SYDNEY - Smiley Face - Need info


Nov 15, 1999
Hi all,
Dont have many details. But after all the debate of the hq's I thought Id ask if anything else was around.
I was told "smiley faces". I dont have any details as to colour yet.
Location is in Sydney.
Info Im after...are they mdma, or more mdea. Quite keen for something nice and clean for a change.
If they are plan white with a slightly raised smiley face on them, quite thin, then I've had them a couple of weeks running. They are lots of fun but I would recommend only taking one and then if you need something else, try a different pill as the second one left me feeling pretty tired. They ez-tested purple/black in under 5 seconds and I'd say they're mdma rather than mdea but am willing to be corrected on this. Hope this helps.
a guinea pig can't survive on lettuce alone

as for the smileys, well the ones i saw about 2 months ago were disc shaped and they had a crude stamp of a smile on them. nice hard press but they looked a little rough. tested nice quick to black.
the mouth and eyes were part of a circle.
it was like someone had drawn a circle, then used an eraser to get rid of the mono brow and the sideburns.
it reminded me of a hubcap.
Yeah I think there are two different types of smileys around. I've seen reports on the one I think j_swift is talking about here:
(check pillreports id 3124, sorry i don't know the url) but the one I had fits the description under pillreports id 3066. Both of these will come up if you search pillreports pill name 'smiley'.
no those werem't the ones that i saw.
my ones were thinner, like a frisbee, and the stamp was simpler. think of the simplest smiley face you can draw, no detail at all and you would be pretty close.
heres my dodgy artists impression, i ate all the evidence.
[This message has been edited by j_swift (edited 01 December 2000).]
[This message has been edited by j_swift (edited 05 December 2000).]
oh right, my mistake j_swift.. sounds like you had the same ones I did. so, ya like 'em?
loved your drawing. you really should frame that.
yeah i was trying to capture the crudeness of the stamp with my piece,
most critics agree that i have achieved this.
i didn't actually eat the pill, but friends liked it and said it was quite strong.
Thanks guys...they sound pretty good.
Might give a few ago next week then
i know exactly the ones you are meaning (nice picture) .. i have been getting them for a while, they are locally pressed from imported mdma powder.
they are great but i find the second one doesnt have nearly the same effect as the first so i usually drop the smiley first and then something else a bit later on with a bit more kick to it.

...yes please
munched one, wasn't the first I'd had for the night, seemed to do the usual stuff, felt quite messy at the end of it though and not very dancey.