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5htp & Comedowns


Oct 30, 2000
After noticing alot of threads about comedowns and the way to beat it I thought I'd put my two bobs in. I originally bought some 5htp for the supposed effect pre loading does for rolling. Well, I personally wouldn't bother however, 5htp is bloody magnificent for any comedowns or hangovers. They're are the best sleeping pills I have had that doesn't make you feel like you've been run over by a truck in the morning and work really fast. For example, last weekend I had a big couple of days with Meth & Beans and coming down was pretty harsh (thanks to the meth) however, taking 5htp pills sent be straight to sleep (real sleep, not speed sleep) and after gave me a relaxed / soft feeling for a long time. I can tell you I'll be reaching for the 5htp before any Berocca or other stuff next time I'm feeling crusty. By the way, take notice of the "Don't operate and machinery after consuming" because as I said I beleive they're the best sleeping pills available (without prescription.)
Not to mention the 5-HTP's seratonin-synthesis action helping to combat neurotoxicity
I agree with you, 5-HTP is fantastic as a post-load, it helps many people I know sleep after a big night, and avoid the Tuesday-blues. It doesn't tend to knock you out like a hammer, but ease you back down gently.
I have found some benefit in pre-loading but I usually take it for the 2 days prior, rather than on the day.

I don't want to sound paranoid, but just consider how much of what you're writing could help send you to Jail.
[This message has been edited by BigTrancer (edited 29 November 2000).]
I'm interested in the benefits that you get from pre-loading, as in what it actually does for you ie more intense come on, roll longer etc.
I tried pre-loading for 3 days before (only at night as it's a bit hard to work while you feel like jelly)and found that the roll wasn't any better!
Benefits I found were that there was a more noticeable switch between "Nothing" to "I can feel it coming up now"... almost like my body was listening for the chemicals to start working. I noticed much more pronouced flushing of heat when the comeup began, and a more rapid ascent to the peak before plateauing and again the change between "whoa I'm rushing up SO hard" and "phew... I guess we've hit cruising altitude" and staying at the peak was very noticeable.
As a post-load, like we've already mentioned, very smooth comedown to earth.
I will sing the praises again and again of 5HTP. You don't realise just how bloody good it is until you have had a bender of a weekend and don't postload with it.
.... came home from earthcore... found out i had no 5HTP left.... killed myself..... well i felt like it anyway... iherb better bloody hurry up...
They're getting faster too jb... I ordered some on the 20th online with visa, and the package arrived in the morning mail on the 27th.
I think it's about time I find out what this 5htp really can do... Hope it gets here in time for NYE
i wish i had a fuckin credit card.
5htp DOES help.
both as a pre and post load.
no, it doesnt make your night 5 times as good but it does help and it can soften your landing on a sunday.
Just chip in with someone who has a credit card and get them to order it... buy in bulk and save both of ya some cash!
I wish i had a credit card too and id order it. This seems to be a problem for a few people i have found.
Also is a problem i live at home cause its like, son what is this, ummmmm, just a pre-cursor to sertonin that helps me sleep and recover after i night out taking the narcotic mdxx. nuthing to worry about at all