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Exam cramming - techniques (drug aided or otherwise)?


Jul 22, 2000
The problem: Phyiscs 100 tuesday 9pm, Maths 102 wednesday 2pm.
The real problem: I can count the number of lectures i've been too on one hand.
The solution? You tell me

I have Sunday and Monday cleared for a hardcore studying binge and I think some amphetimines are in order.

I have zero experience with drug-aided studying but i'm sure there are quite a few bluelighters out their with knowledge in this field. Please share your experience and tips!
Unfortunately I don't think i'm able to get my hands on dexies in time so speed is likely to be the substance of choice.
Any advice would be useful, in particular suggestions on dosage regime for the days leading up to the exams, and any other general tips you feel important.
Oh and of course is taking a small line before an exam going to do more harm than good to my performance? or should I keep the drugs for cramming and do the exam sober?
......what the fuck are you talking about? are you expecting a miracle cure for your lack of attendance and stydying?

*shakes her head in disbelief*
please tell me you are kidding!!!!
Hey tooth.
Yeh speed can DEFINITELY help. as long as you don't go too hard. If you take too much while studying or at the exam then the apprehensive, jittery, anxious part of the drug will mean you can't concentrate enough. So take it easy. Small lines, bump it up during study every 2 hours or so.
Should you take speed before the exam? Yes, for sure. Only have a little bit and at least 30mins-1hr before so you're not rushing. If you take speed when you study then being able to recall the information during the exam will be a lot easier if you take speed before the exam. If you are sober them you'll find that a lot of the shit you studied you won't be able to remember.
My 2 sense.
Good luck, Vinyl
Nah, its quite possible to learn most of a unit in one day... Thats what I did last week: couple of dexies at night and one again on the morning of the exam (with lots of study in between) can ensure that you pass the unit/subject even if, like me, you spent much of your lecture time off tripping or having sessions. It well worth the extra effort right before the exam
Deja: Did you do an all-nighter on that night with the exam in the morning or did you fit some sleep in?
Meth: Yes I was lazy, yes I *should* have gone to lectures, and yes I am expecting a *miracle* cure. Do you have experience with how boring uni lectures are?

Thanks for the responses
dont do it. Pure and simple. If you havent done it before is it really worth risking it now during exams? You need good sleep and some refined study skills, and although you wont do great, you will do ok.
I cant concentrate on speed but others can, so I dunno, i would say no.
Do you reckon taking speed would help when writing my thesis??
or would my sentances not make sense and stuff??
I am soooo in trouble, I really think there is no way of getting it done
but I wont get marked down for a little lateness, btu I want it to be over, but I want to do well
I am so conflicted!!

*kick myself for my stupidity*
Hunt for dexies or ritalin. Nothing beats these for concentration.
Do what i do and be on the constant search buying as many as you can even when you don't need them so you've got a little stash for emergency
you said you had the whole weekend to study already. that is plenty of time to study straight for any subject known to man
. i would definitely advise taken your books to a quiet area away from your pc (its a huge distraction for me) and studying un-drug-aided. now if you get to the night before your exam and you feel your still completely stuffed and need more time (this is by 2am) on the last night and you think its your last hope then maybe...
I have tried it once with a uni exam that wasnt really super important. to answer your question yes i did study well until i took too much and was speedin off my nut
. i definitely recommend getting sleep before your exam and not speeding into it like people have said. you may feel like you are concentrating well but your not and a good nights sleep will help you to work more effeciently during the exam.
oh and to fataliss - it really depends how well you know your topic. if you feel that its just motivation thats stopping you from starting your thesis then speed could be the way to go. it makes you feel more at ease or relaxed to just sit their for hours writing and writing and writing. mind you ive only done it once so im no expert. if time is not an issue i would always recommend studying undrug aided. you brain works the way your used to it working
so it does the proper job.
oh and i didnt find it difficult to think straight on speed just dont take much, even eat it instead of snorting, your after concentration and alertness not rushing. i was thinking normally just really quickly and intently on what i was doing.
How about trying:
Amino acids e.g.:
and "smart" drugs:
Amino acids are available in health food stores. Smart drugs can be ordered through the net.
I think these are more appropriate in putting your brain into higher gears.
toothpick..........i am studying myself at the moment, and gave up first semester, because my priorities were partying, being with great people, and taking great drugs..........BUT, the second semester i changed back to achieving my goal, which is getting a degree!! i guess that's what we are all doing it for!!??

i used to find lectures boring , than a light switched on in my head and i changed course, and thus subjects, and since that i am loving every minute in the lecture room. sounds corny??? well, it's the truth. maybe if you looked seriously at the subjects you are doing, and reassessed whether that is really what you want to do, rthat might get rid off the problem next year!
for that person who mentioned dexies.........*quiver*......

[This message has been edited by *meth* (edited 11 November 2000).]
toothpick, if you have to learn a lot of stuff in a minimal amount of time, drugs are just likely to distract you. with something like 48 hours left, you don't want to spend this time with your legs shaking or your fingers quibbly or the constant wish that you were somewhere else...i think old fashioned, straight cramming is best. that way your short term memory is not jeapardised, at least not any more than it is already
stock up on the vitamins. grab some berocca and drink coffee. i *am* a believer that last minute preparation can do heaps for ya...really, if you do a solid 10 hours of studying, you're mark is probably going to lift from a fail to a pass. that's the difference. and mr. horse is right....you're gonna need some sleep bud...
cheers! -- BuckE
"The American people have spoken. Now it just has to be worked out what it is that they've said." -- Bill Clinton
two letters : D5. amen brother.
"reality is for people who can't handle drugs"
I applaud all the people who say take the high road and just deal with it.
Tyrosine is meant to be good for memory and concentration.
5-HTP i found wasnt. it was making me too sleepy and actually too calm; i wasnt stressed enough and hence did not work hard enough.
If u r desperate i agree with the above post, D5s. Pure, ORALLY taken, dextro-amphetamine.
You do not want speed, as the body rush which accompanies it causes the usual jitters, making it impossible to sit still, do quality reading etc.
Dexies u dont have this problem. Ur mind is like einstein's, u r the epitome of concentration and u r completely focused and still.
And y if u would have to take speed would u snort it. Swallow for gods sake, last u longer, and ur not meant to be rushing while studying etc etc.
it usually takes a few days or weeks to find your optimum dosage for dexies.....and for me personally i'm still trying to work it out after a month.
to work out your dosage you take a small amount(1/2 or 1 D5) and work up the dosage untill you find it starting to have an effect. i also find that most of my friends who use dexies recreationally start to feel the effects after about 2 or so, they don't do speed very often.
for studying id take one initially then another one a half hour later then wait until you start to lose concentration and top up with another one and so on. i havent done this since last year, but that strategy worked well for me, i wasnt feeling wired but i was concentrating
Its now 2pm Monday and i'm feeling a lot more confident.
I tried a small line of speed up the nose yesterday - like people have mentioned this was stupid. I just found the phyiscs notes I wrote out during the post-snort buzz: 10 pages of useless scribble which I have little recollection of writing

Mental note: listen to bluelighters advice
However _small_ amounts of speed parachuted (wrapped in a small square of tissue paper and swallowed) has worked great. Its kept me going but not wired.
Dexies would have definately been preferable - easier to manage the effects.
I say again, if you ARE going to take ANY speed during study then DEFINITELY take a little during the exam. Psychology studies have proven that information someone learns and memorises whilst under the influence of a particular drug will recall that information at least %50 better when under the influence of that same drug than sober. Those ten pages of meaningless gibberish will make a lot more sense to you.