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MDMA + SSRI postload = greater neurotoxicity?!


Feb 6, 2000
okay, there was an email on the dancesafe email list where a guy was asking for more details about a new report which apparently stated that taking an ssri postload after e could be as neurotoxic or even more so than just mdma alone.
has anyone seen this report/know anything bout it etc? i really wanna know (i take prozac post e)
i dont know of the report specifically, but i thought if this were true it would have increased the toxicity on the tests where the rats were injected with prozac. Yet that study states that rats that were given prozac showed less damage, wouldnt it have shown more neurotoxicity if prozac (an ssri) was used?
"Sacred cows make the best hamburger."
atomica.im shore youve done your own reasearch on SSRI and E?
from what ive read,heard,searched is that what you do(prozac post E),does not increase the neurotoxicity of mdma!
but now you hear diffrent!?!?
and all the searching ive done(not just on Bluelight)has also given me answers that are the oppiset!
youll never really know till the ortopsy(sp?)he hee
sorry! i should have stated.. i am well aware of the previous studies that show the benefits of ssri's in reducing neurotoxicity. *thats why i take a prozac postload*!!

however, this is a brand new study, and the guy who posted the email saw it on one of the mail lists he was subscribed to. again, he was more familiar with ssri's stopping neurotoxic effects, rather than contributing.
i've emailed the guy, and asked him to point me to that reference if/when he tracks it down. he's having a hard time finding it tho, so i'm doing my own searching.
if/when i find it, i'll let y'all know!

smilez ppl =)

[This message has been edited by atomica (edited 24 October 2000).]
and from what i gathered from that email the guy was saying that he had people ask him about this, people who had heard rumours. he was asking if anyone had seen any real reports.
let's not start any further rumours until there are some facts ok?
no jb, he is sure he's seen it on one of the mail lists.. he read the abstract himself ie that was what was posted in the email he read. read the first paragraph.
and this is not about starting any rumours, but if this is a valid report, i'd sure as hell like to know, since i've been taking prozac. so has this other guy and so have a lot of ppl. frankly, i'd like every piece of info i can get.. and isnt that what this board is about?
I read an article/study that said while prozac prevents neurotoxicity of the serotonin system it possibly increases neurotoxicity in other areas. I haven't done enough research to know if I'm even using the correct terminology, but can anyone else remember reading this article and/or where to find it?
I personally take 5-htp, if it worked for Shulgin then it'll hopefully work for me...
acid reign that might be the one!
can you remember if you read it in email, or on the web at all?
when i have more time, i'll investigate as much as i can
It was linked from the medical forum in bluelight. From memory....
I tried searching but it's difficult when you get so many ressults for things like "prozac neurotoxicity"
a little bit of an answer in reply to atomicas q, is in this thread.
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