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Ruined forever?


Aug 14, 2000
I must admit that some of the best sex I have ever had was whilst I was peakin'...

However, a close friend point blank refuses to ever make love to her partner while under the influence as she genuinely belives that she will ruin it for herself... like nothing will ever live up to it again

What dose everyone think on this topic?
Peace, Love and Empathy
Peter Poppa
cant say as i have ever screwed while pillin, i had the oportunity to, but i felt that everything was soooooo nice anyhow, that it would not be as good as if i was not pillin, besides, it was a really cokey pill and the shrinkage factor was significant
ahhhh...natural light, get it off me...get it off me!
[This message has been edited by BigTrancer (edited 28 August 2000).]
What up Dustoff?
Wsa that when Mr Security guard acted as pimp for u @ WELCOME... dirty bastard! Still think you should have gone for it!
Peace, Love and Empathy
Peter Poppa
thats the one buddy
also she said she was 17, had two kids at her mothers place in Frangers and was on a Gold Pass (2 day acid trip)
ahhhh...natural light, get it off me...get it off me!
Man, I can't even get an e-rection when I'm pillin'. Arggh, damn you, Chemie-Dick. My head is horny, but the wind-sock is floppin'
Anyone tried Viagra while peakin?
Along the same lines, but directed to the girls out there, have any of you had sex while you're peakin, more specifically whilst your partner isn't?
My latest boyf wouldn't touch drugs himself, but what I do is up to me.
Just wondered if it was worth trying?
A friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself.
well i've fooled around with partners and "disco acquaintences" whilst under the influence of many drugs, and it hasn't ruined the act at all for me, when sober.
it's just different, is all. it can be very rewarding and different being on the same level with someone dosed up the same as you, (ghb being my fave).
It's not going to ruin sex, just make it a bit more intense. Bit more like Grand Final day and less like pre-season.....
you could never ruin sex man!
and ive had sex while under the influence of wow lots,but not G!
sex would have to be the best buzz, fealing,that will always be there,and its free! unless your a...umm ill leave it at that!
so if you can get your man up,and i cant believe im going to say this,but ive never had a problem while under the influence.Go for it!!!it fun!!!
oh and to Chomper.ill give you a guys point of view on your question!
Yeah do him the favour.He'll love it! I do!when im straight and my partners rolling!

have fun all and play safe
My wife and i usually only take e at home, and we've had some awesome sex. The best thing is, it lasts for fucking hours (Pun intended
I don't think it spoils it, it's just different. It's not lustfull sex, just loving sex.
Awesome stuff
Just say CC's
my ex girlfriend and i both had the old green/gold caps that were full of mdma and a little more.. harsh and a little rough around the edges, these pills were the fucking HORNIEST things you could ever imagine.
you know that saying "fuck like animals" ? that saying was coined after us that night i swear it ;-)
what can i say? a good pill and a good fuck all at once is hard to beat, most probably impossible to beat so i'm not suprised that your friend doesn't want to "ruin" it..
i don't feel ruined though ;-)
.you've gotta lose it.
.to find it.
heres a good comparison.
Pills make life fucking good when your up
but they dont ruin life.
Just like drugs make sex good when you can get it up :/ but they dont ruin sex