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What's the deal with taking multipile e's?


Mar 1, 2000
I've been reading a bit on various sites, and have learnt the obvious, that MDMA releases seretone in the brain, therefore initiating the whole eurforic state.
If it takes up to two weeks to replenish the stock, why do I hear stories of people taking upwards of 4-6 in one night.
I know some may say "not all the seretone (excuse spelling) is released with the first hit, and as such you need to hit it again to get a longer ride."
Correct me If I am wrong, but if the next day you display the caracteristics of a "comedown" you are suffering the results of a complete seretone depletion.
I myself have had a "comedown" after only half a pill. Would you therefore consider that the half pill would have dumped as much seretone as the equivilent full pill?
The most I have had in one night was 1 1/2 gold cK's,(taken in halves) and even then probably didn't need the last half.
Am I on the right track? Would appreciate some feedback.
Thanks PeaKiN.
You are on the right track...anyone taking 4-6 in one night is probably just doing damage that won't enhance their experience in anyway.
A good suggestion is one initially and then half an hour or two later to extend the peak. Two in one night is a good limit to have. Anymore than this and you will definitely feel like shit the following week or so!
I understand your point there, but the big thing your missing is tolarance. The ecstacy doesnt completly leave your body for at least 7 days, so if your having (just) 1 pill a weekend (of the same quality), for as little as 3 weeks in a row you will need more than 1 for the same effect.
But thats not even thinking of Quality really, because in Aus your lucky to get a 'decent' amount of an 'MDMA like' substance and thats if your picky.. Still 'MDMA like' is not necessarily close to actual MDMA. So dont look at it so technically with the effects on your seratonin, quality and effects vary dramatically.
But also i dont believe in comedown's as such. You try dumping a pill 10am Saturday, AFTER a good 10 hours sleep, then tell me if 10pm Saturday you feel the same comedown as if you dumped and stayed up all night! Most of the bad things about comedown's I think are from lack of sleep, with exceptions of course. The main comedown that i find i actually experience is usually around wednesday after a big weekend, and thats the 'emotional comedown' that im talking about..
Anyway bah.
::[email protected]
thats the problem pkn, u never know the strength of pills, unless u've had a report from someone u know knows what they're talking about, u can trust etc.
if u had a pill with a piss weak 40mg MDMA, u 'd need 2, and probably want 4.
if u had a 150mg killer u wouldn't need anymore whatsoever.
the rule of thumb is 1.5 up to 2mg/kg for the maximum roll without wasting, obviously many individual variables too, but alas unless u got many thousands of dollars worth of analytical equipment, or live in holland where pill tests reveal both contents and quantity u cannot be sure.
Hey pkn,
Yeah I agree with the last two posts, it is dependant on the quantity of MDMA present. When I said 2 pills is a good limit to have .. I do mean decent quality pills.
On the mg/kg....like biscuit said 2mg/kg I think that applies up to 90kg...so if you are over that then ya stop at 180mg....so I have read.
Also agree with comedown in a physical sense often being largely due to staying awake all night dancing....however there is still a very real 'e' comedown from seratonin depletion.
cheers all,
as usual, all to helpful in a brothers quest for information. (slight tilt of a hat).
Have fun this coming weekend.
keep on PeaKiN.