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SYDNEY-speckled m's, white ck's, white mitsus


Nov 28, 1999
SYDNEY-speckled m's, white ck's, white mitsus

Dont even bother with the speckled m's. There a brony/orange pill with dark brown speckles, i think there just full of ketamine or some shit, they were smacky as.
Had some white mitsus on new years though, now THEY were nice
really cruisy at first then dancy, they were awesome. The ck was good too, made me throw up though, is this common? i've heard of a few peeps yaking off them.(charming...I know hehe)
Well, half a speckled m did very little, but a whole one seems to suffice, though i agree, VERY smacky. Can't say much about mitsu's but i've heard they're REALLY good, and not sure if it's actually common, but two of my friends spewed on CK's too.
**Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be dissapointed**
yeah well i had a friend who yarked after a ck too, but she is a tiny li'l thing after all...
I am a tiny little thing and i ralphed a ck at summadays but it could have been b cause i had a green mitzsi for breakfast

I think we missed something here -
WHITE cK's - now they were meant to contain mdma, as oppossed to the crap we have been lumped with - ie mdea.
White ones from europe, gold ones from the golden triangle of Thailand and Indonesia
i know i dont understand it, i thought maybe cause i had too much water or sumthin, i dont know. I had heard they were good pills, being imported and all (supposedly from europe) it just seems like u cant trust shit these days. It doesnt make sense to me why they'd sell crap. i mean fast buck and all but i mean whos going to go back to them if they've got a bad reputation? Admittedly i didnt buy the pill, but i wont buy one in the future i think.
Yeah, infuse the cK's are crap, unless you work for a furniture sofa company.
Well before christmas there was heaps of people saying just how good the blue/gold cK's were. Obviously just trying to talk up a bad product.
I have some friends in Germany who had white cK's and they all said they were MDMA, very luv'd up and dancey. And what did we get - sofa lounges. *CRAP* again!!!
Yeah CK undies suck!
I was at David Jones in Chatswood Chase and thought heck I might buy some meat hangers. Well I bought 3 pairs cause it was a bargain that way. Got home and opened them up. As I opened the packets I thought to myself "What the f#$k!" Aren't CK's spose to be white, not black. Also to that one pair was grey looking and another looked like a g-string.
I've decided boxers are the go. Thats all I've ever worn and since I don't get chicks I'm sticking to them.
"The noble-minded say little and achieve much."
- Confucius, Analects Book 14, 27
Stick with boxers my friend, definatly, although the little tight shorts ones are good too, but you've got to have a nice but. Leave the g-strings to the ladies plz! although going free fall is always interesting...
*If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?*
If u didnt get chicks you'd be wearing baggy y fronts eeewww!
*If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?*
In retrospect (i have no idea what that word means) a wise man once taught me "It's not the 'meat' or the 'muscle' but the 'man'!
Wonder if that that meant anything worthwhile?
"The noble-minded say little and achieve much."
- Confucius, Analects Book 14, 27
well, arent they all the same? no it wasnt of much use, but thanx for the insightful contribution

*If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?*
well, arent they all the same? no it wasnt of much use, but thanx for the insightful contribution
lol <--- notice the addition? its not meant to be rude, i swear!
sorry, double post why wont u delete! stoopid thing...
*If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?*
[This message has been edited by infuse (edited 23 January 2000).]
dude, i did blue cK two weeks ago and i was fuggin rolling all night... i took only half, and as opposed to others i've taken, i didn't feel nauseated or anything close to thinking about barfing my stomach out. in fact, i think the blue cK was one of my best trips ever --