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You're about to die...


Mar 18, 2009
A classic discussion question that has no wrong answer.

You are informed that you'll be dead in a week and there's no way to avoid it. In the mean time, you're fully functional.

How do you choose to spend your final days?

I'll give my answer later.
Rollercoasters as many as possible, while remaining stoned.
The day before death I do as many drugs as humanly possible.

A classic discussion question that has no wrong answer.

You are informed that you'll be dead in a week and there's no way to avoid it. In the mean time, you're fully functional.

How do you choose to spend your final days?

I'll give my answer later.

I don't know if my answer would violate P&S rules.

I can imagine it would be a tough decision worthy of a lot of thought for anyone.
I would choose it to do something that I had never tried before, sky diving or the likes
I have always been too terrified to try
I would probably want to travel as much as possible, see things I've never seen, and try to touch as many lives as I could.
Liquidating all my funds into quarters so I can ride the minature horse outside this one store by my house surviving on rides, fistfuls of gumballs/Mike and Ike's, whilst blasting the song "Forever Young" for a week straight! Probably just sleep in the dumpster back there and shit next to it to maximize my ride time. All whole wearing a cowboy hat, boots with spur's, filling my holes with drugs like liquors from the store, and probably bang a bunch of super hot interested ladies behind the store. When you give off that sort of vibe women find it overpowering for sure...!

I would probably want to travel as much as possible, see things I've never seen, and try to touch as many lives as I could.
That's funked up mang! Just because your dying does not mean your allowed to sexually assault whoever you want too!
I would get my final will on order. I would increase my life insurance. I would write letters to people telling them things they should know.

I would do one of these things:

1) Leave chilling posts on fb about fear my ex was going to kill me and invent evidence of this. Plant his dna on a murder weapon and ensure his week is spent in my location. Then die with said murder weapon flung somewhere to be found and traced to him sending him to jail or even better New Zealand.

2) Go to work as usual but put in writing a piece of equipment known to be faulty isnt working knowing ill be made to use it anyway. Die actually using it but fall in it squirting blood everywhere. My death will ensure a huge payout fir my family and cost my boss his job and huge shareprice fall.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
It sounds boring but I have thought about death a lot, and honestly I would probably spend the rest of my life in a psychedelic haze with friends and family. I've already experienced a lot of things in life, and the only thing I regret not doing more is giving my family the love and attention that they deserve.
I would most definitely include a psychedelic experience in that last week--why not commune with eternity from the confines of this particular body/mind one last time?:D

Beyond that I would gather all my friends and family around for a week long party. Crying allowed but laughter mandatory. Musicians tune your instruments. Music embodies the best humans have to offer.

I would tell people to take my things--whatever they wanted. I know I would have lots of moments of feeling scared. It's human to feel scared of the unknown--especially since you are going into it alone.

But here is something I would seriously do: I would thank my life for everything. I liked being me. I would acknowledge that, despite childhood anxiety and shyness, despite teenage angst and self-loathing, despite self-doubts all through adulthood, basically I like this "me" I got to be and I would want to make my own last goodbyes to me!

For some reason, thinking about this makes an image come into my head of way back when I was about 6 or 7 years old and we lived in the piney woods of east Texas. I loved to play in the woods there and I would frequently have what can only be described as these euphoric raptures come over me where I would "lose" awareness of my self and have instead a completely heightened awareness of everything around me--all 5 senses on fire. I think it is why nature is still such a healer for me. This really is a beautiful planet and I'm going to be very sorry to have to say goodbye to it when my time comes.
I would take out a bank loan and buy massive amounts of drugs and hookers. Text book scumbag response to this question, but who wouldn't.
I would most definitely include a psychedelic experience in that last week--why not commune with eternity from the confines of this particular body/mind one last time?:D

Beyond that I would gather all my friends and family around for a week long party. Crying allowed but laughter mandatory. Musicians tune your instruments. Music embodies the best humans have to offer.

I would tell people to take my things--whatever they wanted. I know I would have lots of moments of feeling scared. It's human to feel scared of the unknown--especially since you are going into it alone.

But here is something I would seriously do: I would thank my life for everything. I liked being me. I would acknowledge that, despite childhood anxiety and shyness, despite teenage angst and self-loathing, despite self-doubts all through adulthood, basically I like this "me" I got to be and I would want to make my own last goodbyes to me!

For some reason, thinking about this makes an image come into my head of way back when I was about 6 or 7 years old and we lived in the piney woods of east Texas. I loved to play in the woods there and I would frequently have what can only be described as these euphoric raptures come over me where I would "lose" awareness of my self and have instead a completely heightened awareness of everything around me--all 5 senses on fire. I think it is why nature is still such a healer for me. This really is a beautiful planet and I'm going to be very sorry to have to say goodbye to it when my time comes.

:: goose bumps ::
Since this is a very real possibility for me right now, I have an answer that I'm already planning to put into action.

My final days would be spent with family and friends, enjoying the sensual things in life like time in nature, tasty food, sharing laughs and good memories (along with tears too of course). I'd also have some healthy alone time. My life will not radically change because it's about to end, I will just be amplifying the good things as much as possible while allowing any emotions to arise so I can make peace with what's about to happen.

Having experienced the energy of near death many times in my life, I believe in my core of cores that it is a natural process, just like birth. There are mechanisms in place, in our animal biology and also in our spirit, that make it a guided, forgiving process. So I know that I don't have to spend my final days numbing out because when the time comes there will be something... as vague as that sounds... that will help me through.
I?m looking forward to it with great eagerly.

It?s a wonderful thing to know what the future holds.

And no I?m not suicide.
To answer your question tho. I would be doing the same thing I always do.

Preach the Gospel.
Since this is a very real possibility for me right now, I have an answer that I'm already planning to put into action.

My final days would be spent with family and friends, enjoying the sensual things in life like time in nature, tasty food, sharing laughs and good memories (along with tears too of course). I'd also have some healthy alone time. My life will not radically change because it's about to end, I will just be amplifying the good things as much as possible while allowing any emotions to arise so I can make peace with what's about to happen.

Having experienced the energy of near death many times in my life, I believe in my core of cores that it is a natural process, just like birth. There are mechanisms in place, in our animal biology and also in our spirit, that make it a guided, forgiving process. So I know that I don't have to spend my final days numbing out because when the time comes there will be something... as vague as that sounds... that will help me through.
Well whatever the actual outcome is, I wish peace unto you Foreigner.
I would most definitely include a psychedelic experience in that last week--why not commune with eternity from the confines of this particular body/mind one last time?:D

Beyond that I would gather all my friends and family around for a week long party. Crying allowed but laughter mandatory. Musicians tune your instruments. Music embodies the best humans have to offer.

I would tell people to take my things--whatever they wanted. I know I would have lots of moments of feeling scared. It's human to feel scared of the unknown--especially since you are going into it alone.

But here is something I would seriously do: I would thank my life for everything. I liked being me. I would acknowledge that, despite childhood anxiety and shyness, despite teenage angst and self-loathing, despite self-doubts all through adulthood, basically I like this "me" I got to be and I would want to make my own last goodbyes to me!

For some reason, thinking about this makes an image come into my head of way back when I was about 6 or 7 years old and we lived in the piney woods of east Texas. I loved to play in the woods there and I would frequently have what can only be described as these euphoric raptures come over me where I would "lose" awareness of my self and have instead a completely heightened awareness of everything around me--all 5 senses on fire. I think it is why nature is still such a healer for me. This really is a beautiful planet and I'm going to be very sorry to have to say goodbye to it when my time comes.

Way to be at peace with yourself!
Greatest answer is by far by herbavore. I think she summed it up for most of us...

I would also play as much music as I could and try to record everything, play it with as many people as I can too, because its so great to share highest moments of your life with those who understand you and have love for you. Have love for them too...

I would want to spend time with whats left of my family, I would want to visit my birthplace, also travel to few places in the world I have always wanted to.

I would wake up very early in the morning and meditate like I never did but could have been. I would also be taking a lot of LSD because it goes well with my spirit, it helps me be even more than I normally can. I might sneak peak with DMT few times as well.

, what you said sounds very serious... I really wish you stay in this physical world for as long as its needed for you and for the world. If you were diagnosed with something terminal, I cannot imagine how shocking this must have been. I wish you peace, brother!
Yeah i really like herbavore's answer. Realistically i would probably just be as high as possible on opiates. If i could do whatever i wanted them i would like to try out as many of the classic psychedelics as possible all while being surrounded by my best friends at a bonfire party at my house.