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Poetry Yes, the fish music

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
A trout-colored wind blows
through my eyes, through my fingers,
and I remember how the trout
used to hide from the dinosaurs
when they came to drink at the river.
The trout hid in subways, castles,
and automobiles. They waited patiently for the dinosaurs to go away.

-Richard Brautigan
To my surprise, loud sounds or music will scare fish. But compared to random noises, which tend to irritate and create a fright reaction in fish, music could possibly lure fish to its source (you) as long as the noise isn't too loud. :p
funny after ruminating on your words a song came to mind now its stuck, i always get songs stuck TALKING ABOUT THOSE GOOD VIBRATIONS aaaaaaaaaaak!