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yellow cupids in socal area


Jul 8, 2008
Alright, so I acquired two of these and a blue transformer(the bzp/tmfpp pills, just for added excitement and insanity).

They were as triple-stack thickness, yellow with white speckles, with a small circular imprint on the bottom and the heart with an arrow through it impressed to the top.

Anywho. I chewed one up, waited about an hour, didn't feel much at all, chewed another and then waited another 30. I figured it wasn't going to be hella intense, so I dosed the blue transformer about 2 hours after the first roll. Anywhooooo....I railed the last half of a cupid(i know, railing pills is generally a bad idea) and it burned like a fucking bitch, just like MDxx, but with a really strong aphetamine kick to it. I'm on my way into this journey, and I don't know where it's quite going yet, but I will most deff let y'all know how it goes.

So, anyone had these yellow cupids yet?
magic magic ninjas what

From talking to you on the phone they sound dank. Hope to get my hands on some before they disappear.

Then I heard the bugz up on my ding-a-ling sing.

Wow, so this is like...five hours later or something like that.

I'm a bit too spun to even be typing out much on this experience.

I can say I haven't rolled this hard since late '05, early '06, though.

Keyboard seems a bit unnatural at the moment.

Roll now, post more later.

Ha, I've got to be at work in...nine and a half hours.


Oh yeah, you know I busted out with "I got bugs on my nuts!" as a goodbye. Man, this has been a journey.

I'll leave you with this for now:

Have you ever felt as if you ARE just one big giant disco-biscuit?
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I have some y-cupids, but they are plain yellow (no speckles) and appear d-stacked.

They came from a reliable source from the 909; no testing kit available.

I'mma roll the dice tomorrow and report back.
Well, my guy just got rid of the last of them last night, so I had to settle for 6 transformers to make my day worthwhile.

If you can get your hands on these cupids, I suggest them hands down.

And I seem to have learned that high doses of bzp/tmfpp resemble more of an LSD/amphetamine. So yeah, today was rediculous and still is.
I ate six yellow cupids at a comedy club two weeks ago. I took two, then two more two hours later, then two more two hours after that. It was the most fun I have ever had rolling. I rolled hardcore for hours and hours and hours. I live in the 909 and I'm broke or else I'd be rolling on those again right now. They were the best I have had so far.
Mustang1 said:
I'mma roll the dice tomorrow and report back.
Okay, here's my mini trip report...

0.00 ~5:40pm, Friday: Ate 1 yellow cupid pill with water.

+1:00 hr: slight light headedness, nothing major.

+1:30: getting a little tingly, still maintaining the sober look, but starting to like where I'm at and feeling generally happy.

+2:00: kicking in for sure. not overwhelming or speedy (guessing no meth/speed mixed in). start noticing that the lights around me are starting to starburst a little. I kick start my ipod and the music starts to sound pretty good! overall feeling is bliss.. I didn't mind sitting where we were all night, even though I knew we still had to go out and drink later in the evening.

up til +4:00: maintaining that nice roll, not getting higher or lower, stayed pretty consistent. I got a free dum-dum grape lolipop and that thing tasted amazing! lol
Even water that I was sipping tasted really good.

Felt a little like I was walking on clouds after from sitting down a while.

Some little kid was running around where I was with these flashy multi-colored LED's on his sandals and I was SOOO amazed by them that I kept staring at his shoes! His parents were right there and I kept thinking that I don't want them to see me staring at their kid thinking I'm some perv or something... but so hard to turn away, the force was strong! those little LED's seemed to glisten.. u know what I mean. ;)

I REALLY felt like taking another cupid just to keep my roll going, but fought the temptation only because I knew were would soon be drinking.

after 4:00: coming down as gradual as I came up. At this time we were already back at my friend's house and having a beer getting ready to head out to the bars.

I felt like I was still on it, but knew I was already on the downside.
Drinking.. I seemed to get shitfaced easier from the E downside. I was like wasted at the end of the night and we really didn't have that much to drink.

~3:30am... we all stumbled back to the pad and crashed.. next thing I know it's 10am Saturday.

Overall, the cupids were nice. it was more mellow compared the blue whatevers I had the first time in Vegas. Those blue ones made me walk up and down that friggin Fremont street like 20x! lol
I had 2 yellow cupids at a festival this weekend, they weren't really speckled I don't believe... definitely weak sauce. I ended up eating a 3rd pill, a white something or other that actually had a legit dose of MDMA in it, before I even felt the 2 cupids I ate earlier.
blue cupid

Yeah I had two blue cupids in a variety pack I got a few weaks back. I rolled the weekend before and the weekend before that so I had a bit of a tolerance going already. I started this particular weekend off by chewing up a blue cupid. About an hour after I started to feel my heart beat increase and the palms began to sweat. I gave the other blue cupid I had in my variety pack to a friend. The friend said she rolled good of of it, but me and my tolerance needed er ah wanted more. I ended up doing a total of four pills (three different pills) that night so I can't realy say for myself but my friend said the blue cupids were dank.
