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wut made u wanna try e?

wut made you wanna try e?

Back in senior year of high school my best friends and I went through an experimental phase. It went like this...lots of weed, nos, and then mushrooms (not lots of nos and shrooms, was more weed) till finally E was left. We had contemplated it for a while, asked around about it and whatnot. I never thought we were really serious until I found out a girl I worked with frequented raves and dropped with her roommates. She said she could hook us up, so being the excellent persuader I am, my two best friends, boyfriend and his good friend took a 1/2 pill to start one night and went to her house for some amazing entertainment! Needless to say, I was so in love, with everybody! It was the most amazing experience and it really opened up some issues for my boyfriend and I. We still roll together and its great everytime. Wish us all happy rolling on my birthday this weekend! =D
never was very intrested i it , but knowed a few friends which used e sometimes ,some keeped talking about it how great is was.1 night we were clubbing and 1 friend had some pills with him we talked about it a little and then decied to take it.i had a great night so i thought why not give it a try.the night only became better :)
skunkweed .... damn him ... he was such a chubby nice guy back in the day :p now he is a skinny skitzo like myself. ~damoN~
I seem to be quite a contradiction to the majority of people.
I was always VERY anti-drugs (cept alcohol) for majority of my pre-teens and early-teens. I tried weed when I was like 12 and it did nothing. I then felt that drugs were no good and could not understand why everyone was soo obsessed with weed.
It wasn't until about I was 16 that I started to smoke the green (like every 6 months) and not until about leavers (end of high school, 17 years old) I started to smoke every month or so. When I moved out at 18 I started smoking regularly. It was at this time I dropped for the first time. I don't know if this is evidence that weed is a 'gateway' drug (If so thank god for weed =) ) but even during and up to the time I dropped I was very anti-E.
When my mates started to drop late last year I was appauled... Obliously because I had media-influenced views (ridiculous now that I think back) on the ramifications E had on life. Anyway, so it wasn't until I dropped with some friends (just to try it, u know, something under my belt to tell the grandkids =D ) that I realised what it was about. That was about 8 months ago now and what can I say... I stay safe but I LOVE my round little friends.=D
Hate to admit it, but like DaCookieMonstar, Human Traffic was my influence :D. I saw it during my first year at uni and, knowing the bullshit movies often spin, I went and did some research to see how accurately they portrayed it. Everything I read (ranging from scientific literature to random websites and discussion forums... not Bluelight, it was only pointed out to me very recently) told me that they had done a good job of it. Kind of got me interested... then I was discussing it with a friend, who I knew did this sort of thing. I told him I was interested in giving it a go, and a couple of weeks later... well, I quickly discovered that everything I had read was understating the experience ;) (not deliberately - there's no way I could give a description that would do justice to the experience, and I can be VERY eloquent normally!)

In addition, I'm a really reserved and shy person, and I think this may have influenced me a little, too - the descriptions of the drug's empathogenic qualities really interested me... we all wonder from time to time what it would be like to be someone totally different (no matter how secure we might be about ourselves), and this was my chance to find out :).

BTW, to this day Human Traffic remains one of my favourite movies!!
my first time was about end of yr 12 when my friends starting dropping, i was so fascinated with their stories, my close friend kept telling me that i should come to a rave and drop with her (Thanx Layla!!).. about 2 weeks later, there i was at one of the most relaxed doofs i've ever been too, i split half a pill with my boyfriend, it was a white @... not a great pill, but it was my first time, so it was great to me =D wat a brilliant drug !
I was at lake shasta in cali for the weekend about 4 years ago... too much alcohol and access to as many free pills as we wanted... I didn't stand a chance! ;)
My friend said I have some here take one I was like I want acid but no one has he was like try this its mad hot I looked at erowids website and this was the real drug I ate besides pharmecudicals like vicoden, xanax, ambien , soma,well the list goes on and on and on. and now I used almost everything but I control myself.
im just curious about drugs and all that said was good about it. since i have experimented with many a substance
i was intensely curious about it.. i'd read a lot of glowing trip reports in the three books i'd read on it.. it was the only drug i was interested in.. i had depression and i thought it might give me some insights.. but it was very difficult to find.. this is about 1993... so i ended up doing weed, acid and mushrooms first.. i eventually did find someone, but he was charging $40 a capsule! it wasn't until 1995 that a friend hooked me up at $25 a capsule.. it was amazing and even the next day i felt really content and at peace with the world, with no harsh comedown or hangover.. for about six months afterwards i felt really psychologically together and strong too.. ah, those were the days..
What made me try e for the first time is my friends. When i was 17 they said they were going to a rave and and i said whats thats and they said its a big party and you should try E you will like it so i was like alright. And ever since then its been my fav
i like to try all the drugs i can.

plus, my friends were telling me how great it was, you know the rest.