Writing problems out with pen and paper?


Dec 13, 2011
Anyone ever tried this, I think it may be even more beneficial then just typing it out on the computer... I feel like there is more of a connection between actually writing with pen and paper to your mind and body. I feel like this has potential, I don't know for sure though...lets not rain on my parade but anyone think this could be a good idea?
Writing is an extremely effective tool. The physical and mental process of writing combine together and they help relieve a lot of stress. Writing organizes your thoughts and allows one to clear their stress because stress often can consume our mind with unrealistic thoughts. It definitely has potential. What do you intend to do with this?
I was thinking of just putting thoughts into perspective...for some things I feel like just my underlying issues have morphed things into crazy amplified distorted thoughts...like making mountains of molehills. Maybe writing out that just these underlying issues and paranoia/anxiety has just made things into something they're not..of course it feels bad but its just the way I perceive it which makes things into a bigger problem of their own...something like that.
That's exactly it :) Being able to physically see your thoughts out in front of you helps a lot because it allows us to see past our normal "leading" views that our mind likes to pull us off on.
Try it out. If you think writing with your hand is helpful (connection to mind and body) it will be helpful.

I find writing itself (hand or computer) to be beneficial. I used to write with my hand beautifully but I've now lost that ability after years and years of computing. I have no regrets about it. They both are good in their own ways.

Anyone ever tried this, I think it may be even more beneficial then just typing it out on the computer... I feel like there is more of a connection between actually writing with pen and paper to your mind and body. I feel like this has potential, I don't know for sure though...lets not rain on my parade but anyone think this could be a good idea?
I just think the computer is like hypnotic and dissociative...I just see the pen and paper writing it down just seems more down to earth and easier to connect with your spirit instead of the computer sucking the life of you..idk ahaha.
Yep, though the associations you're making is a function of you as an individual.

Maybe a hypnotic and disassociate state of mind is what's needed to connect with your spirt. But I'm not arguing with you. I fully think you should try it out if you feel so strongly about it and it will definitely help. What you feel (I'm sorry if this overanalysing) is a form of self hypnosis IMO. Hypnosis is I think the best therapy for addiction.

I just think the computer is like hypnotic and dissociative...I just see the pen and paper writing it down just seems more down to earth and easier to connect with your spirit instead of the computer sucking the life of you..idk ahaha.
yteek, I try to always write with pen and paper. I think that you are absolutely right that it is a different experience altogether from typing. When I write with a pen or pencil, my thoughts flow in an entirely different way. I actually never erase--just cross out--because I like to see my first second and third attempt to get the thought or the phrase right. Sometimes I end up going back to the first try after all; with a computer you clean it all up, cutting as you go and you lose some of the thought process. Writing with a pen or pencil on paper is also so much more tactile and pleasurable to me.<3
One thing I did, when I was feeling low while on vacation many years ago, was scrounge up an old notebook, and just dumped as much as I could into there. Spent most of an evening just writing down a virtually unreadable stream-of-consciousness mess. Before going to bed, I took a shower, had a glass of water to calm down. Flipped through it, was disgusted with it, and burned it. For a short while, I was cleaned out. Didn't last, but it sure felt good for a bit.
Yes, absolutely, 100% etc.

I suggest you begin a diary/journal. If I flicked though my last few hundred leaves I'm sure I could count the amount of problems the practice has enabled me to solve - but instead, I'll just say to you that without the serious dedication I've involved in maintaining my own over the last 18 months, I'd be broken right now.

Start here > http://www.paperblanks.com/ie/en/
^wow, those are beautiful! I keep a bunch of spiral notebooks around--one in my car, one in my backpack, and several around my house.None are fancy but I can always find them.;)