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Writing Help By Bluelighters - Ask For And / Or Give Advice Here


Dec 22, 2015
These are the basic tips I would give anyone who is seriously trying to write well for any reason.

- If you're writing for a publication, a test, or to format for anything. Read examples beforehand. Get the tone and structure of the piece you need to write down pat. It'll write itself if you study a bit. Serious writing is serious, and people have expectations.

- Look up dictionary definitions every time you see a word you don't know,

- Learn what etymology is and start looking up those prefixes, roots and suffixes. Latin is a good thing to study too.

- Write every day. Every day. Every day.

- Take everything you write as if you're writing something to be critically Reviewed. Even my Loumgr shitposting that's abandoning spelling and ground to shit all in meaning - it is written meaningfully. I think about things from start to finish and endlessly for everything I do. You should too for writing if you're serious about it.

- Writing has a very logical format to proper syntax and all that normally. But it's an artform too. You can make anything mean anything in any way (if you weigh any meaning to anything) and mean anything you can say on any day.

credentials: im a journalist
As a polyglot my best and only advice to improve writing skills is learning languages.
Learn your native language, go deep into the subject matter, learn old versions of your language,
learn the language(s) your language derives from (talking to you English), learn at least the basics of Latin,
or learn understanding it by default by speaking both French and either Spanish, Italian or Portuguese.

Study languages in depth by reading poetry. Then go back to your native language and realize how much better learning other languages has made you at using your own language. My English is good, no doubt, but my German has become fucking fantastic (when I don't write like a Bav :ROFLMAO:)