Worried about going back to doctor


May 2, 2012
Hey yall. This is a somewhat dark post but not very dark compared to other threads in this subforum, but I didnt really know which other section to post in so here it goes. ******scroll to ******** to get the small summary.

long story short: for over 4 years ive been waking up every morning puking non stop in cycles. nothing helps besides marijuana. my appettie is almost non existent even with mariuana. after getting lots of cameras stuck inside me, and seeing dozens of doctors, I found one that prescribed me benzos, which helped a LOT. I have such horrible anxiety about life, my identy, my friends, family, philosophy that without benzos, I cant think clear.

So I was on benzos and a few other meds for a bit , they somewhat helped. but time helped more. slowly over the course of a few years the vomitng just durned into nausea all day, and NO appettite. im a 22 year old male and I need to be EATING man. its the most depressing thing in the world, and I really wish I could go into detail (for example when a professor would say a certain number that same number eased my nausea for moments. but the doctors of course....in one ear out the other.

Heres my problem: i was addicted to coke, mephedrone, and alcohol for a solid 6+ months. THe snorting of the drugs, caused my septum to wear away heavily on both sides. Most of the flesh inside my noise and nasal cavity is scar tissue, if I had a guess. Most drugs just fly into my lungs now if I sniff them (so I dont do much drugs anymore, that addiction almost ruined my life.
I can tell with my fingers my septum isnt normal, to top it off the same effect has occured on my throat. Now my condition (nausea) is REAL, i wouldnt come to BL and lie to you guys, I came here for opinions and advice.

On the roll of the dice when I get an appointment to get more benzos, she sometimes checks up my noise and etc etc.
If she looks up my nose and sees World War III took place inside, do you think im SOL for getting benzos? Keep in mind I do actually need them. Im not a benzo addict.

*******IM scared to go in to get checked up and more benzos, because by looking into my nose and throat she will tell i was on heavy drugs for a while. ******* and then they immediatly put you under them as a sub-human and give you scrips that dont help. What should i say in response to "wow your septum is almost gone! how the fuck did you do that huh???

Hopefully thats clarified enough, any insight is appreciated. Im really freaking out about this and Ive been heavily depressed the past few months
. I dont want to lose my benzos because they think Im a druggie, or still am a druggie. THanks ;) much love.
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What benzo are you on? As far as I know, most are more effective orally/sublingually/buccally than insufflated, so I don't know why your GP would stop giving you benzos.
If your GP does refuse you benzos, you can always change doctor.
If your nausea is the issue, does Cannabis not help?
Just know that there's more than one doctor out there.
Are you working with a psychiatrist or psychologist as well as the other doctors you are seeing? It does sound like your nausea is at least partially related to anxiety, but longterm benzo use is not a good idea, as they are extremely addictive, tolerance grows very fast and thy eventually add to the very anxiety they were prescribed to help.

Sometimes, when you have no apetite, smoothies with protein powder can be really good. You can add nuts for calories (and more protein) if weight is an issue.
ive seen and am seeing many docs. It was 2MG of clonozepam a day, and occasionally xanax when needed. im smart enough to deal with anxiety rather than become addited long term. .

marijuana is the ONLY drug that COMPLETELY reveres all my symptoms (which are similar to the symptoms of chemo patients.) but they wont prescribe my Marinol.

@Death. Even though I didnt snort benzos, sheing THAT much drug damage in my nose, will discourage her from giving my more abuse able drugs.
Clonazepam is less effective up your nose than in your mouth, so even if the damage is from recreational drug (ab)use you can explain it's not from benzos.
Why don't you just smoke some weed then? Cannabis is much better for/less harmful than benzos.
Are you working with a psychiatrist or psychologist as well as the other doctors you are seeing? It does sound like your nausea is at least partially related to anxiety, but longterm benzo use is not a good idea, as they are extremely addictive, tolerance grows very fast and thy eventually add to the very anxiety they were prescribed to help.

Sometimes, when you have no apetite, smoothies with protein powder can be really good. You can add nuts for calories (and more protein) if weight is an issue.

Agreed. Benzos are not the solution, they only lead to addiction, doctor-shopping, life-threatening withdrawal, etc.
^ I agree, and addiction can affect anyone, regardless of intelligence.

sassynuts said:
im smart enough to deal with anxiety rather than become addited long term. .

It's untrue to suggest that all the addicts on here were just less smart than you, and it's an unwise attitude to hold, as it means you're unprepared to deal with a problem if it does start to occur.

Anyway, I think there is a chance that if a doctor saw your nose, or was aware of your past of abusing drugs in any way, that would prevent you being prescribed benzos. Bluelight isn't here to help you come up with a lie to tell the doctor if they see your nose though.

What other methods have you tried to deal with your anxiety, both medication and lifestylewise? I think mirtazapine could be a good med to look into. It's very effective for anxiety, and it's also a very potent anti histamine, which are indicated for and can work wonders for nausea.
Yes, Mirtazapine is also supposed to stimulate appetite.
Benzos are not a permanent solution, most people don't wake up and decide they should make a plan to become addicted to a drug.
Although, I do take the post foots quoted in the light that you're going to get through your anxiety without relying on benzos, which is a good idea that you should follow through with.