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Will smoking weed ever be normal again after a bad trip on acid?


Sep 25, 2017
About 7 months ago i took 2 hits of acid, and had the worst night of my life. It was my first time, and I was so stupid to not do some research first. I literally had no idea what i was getting myself into. And my cousin and I also smoked a crap ton of weed which only intensified it much more. I couldn't separate what was weed and what was acid. It was like I could zoom in tho and see both at the same time. And I was stuck in the worst thought loops, and I tried so hard to get out of them but it was impossible. And everything was outlined with a smoky black, and legs turns black and crumbled up, i was screaming at one point bc all my teeth had fell out and I was swallowing them, felt like my blood was boiling and I was being tortured to death. I couldn't even talk right and at one point i just wanted to die. I didn't think it's ever end. It was so intense, I couldn't handle it and I definitely wasn't ready for anything like that.
The next day I had smoked some weed with my cousin and felt completely find didn't even think about it, had a good ass time. But then a few days later I was chillin smoking by myself and all of a sudden the acid affects started coming back and it really freaked me out. So I hurry and go outside to my aunt and it was sunny outside, but to me it just looked dim and everything had layers. And I was just so scared. I was terrified to be left alone so I didn't smoke for a long time. And then I was too scared to go to bed at night. I only got a couple of hours of sleep during the day when the sun was out. And I had been sooo overly sensitive, and the world just seemed like a much darker place. I just got so depressed bc all I ever felt was fear and anxiety/panic. And it got a little better with time. So about a month and1/2 later I wanted to try smoking weed again with a couple of friends. And I was really nervous so I was only gonna smoke a little. Took 2 hits and panicked. Everything was turning dark and my friends looked evil and everytime I looked at a color, that same color everywhere just stood out completely and it was freaking me out so bad. Started bawling and had to call my mom and dad to come get me.
Dad talked me through things and calmed me down. Mom wasn't happy about me doing drugs, and was in shock. My dad was trying to tell me to make the best of it. That it was an opening for me and I'm connected deeper with the universe and on a higher level than most people in the world.
Before I took acid I would smoke week all the time tho. I did is responsible. But it was just my thing. I had fun, made everything a blast. Now I got all my friends smoking and I can't bc I'm too scared. It's been about 7 months now and I still sleep with the lights on and put on tinkerbell every night to fall asleep. I'm getting better but I still have moments I freak out.
I just really wish I could smoke and have fun/feel happy like I used to. Why does it make me trip when I smoke weed? Will it ever stop? Will I ever be normal again?
Weed is not well tolerated by certain persons and they are better off walking away from it. ;)
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You will feel normal again, eventually. It might take a while but it's just a matter of time.
you will be fine.

perhaps take a break from weed and focus on getting your head straight. i'm not saying it's the acid but you should have some times to get over and accept that you were a part of that experience.

if you had not confirmed the presence of some indole on your blotter, then it could have been a few other chemicals that in my experience are fully well capable of producing very overwhelming effects especially with ganja and a whole heap at that.

i've done many tabs and the only time i had a freak out was with real LSD oddly enough. i just use the elrich reagent test.

the bad trips i've had were following the ingestion of high qual ganja. it wasn't as vivid, but still lead me to think i was gonna die.

you're alive and well now with no intentions on doing any more hallucinogens right?

just know that you'd never have to feel like that again and any state you get to on cannabis is purely the psychedelic nature of the plant.

it can do wondrous and horrible things to the mind and body.

just take some time to get back to ease and then ease your way back into the herb;).

it will always get better, time never stops and neither does healing.

Like he said, work your way back into it and the longer you wait, the better you will get.
Did you ever get anxious/depressed before you did the acid/smoked the weed? For me I smoked so much at one point that I gave myself continous anxiety and panic attacks for a year or so onwards... I was so scared to sleep because I thought it felt like dying that every time I felt my eyes trying to close I'd forcefully open them... Ended up falling asleep with my eyes open (as strange as that sounds). I've got to be honest, sometimes one bad time can change your perception of it for life, for me the one time I had a really bad experience, every time after that I tried to smoke it just caused me panic/really bad anxiety, so I can't touch it anymore. But I know where you're coming from, because for me, since then my anxiety/depression has got way worse. But I understand where you're coming from, it's a really shit place to be in man, but rest assured you're not the first person to feel that way and won't be the last :).

Tbh acid swell isn't something to throw yourself into because it can be really intense for someone that doesn't have experience or doesn't know what to expect from a trip. For me personally LSD helped my anxiety and depression for a long time, up until recently. Maybe the anxiety stems from you being scared of falling into another intense acid trip that you can't control ?

Don't know what you're into either but for me when I do LSD sometimes I put on a game with really cool trippy graphics or just a game that I love and play through that, maybe next time you smoke and panic try reassure yourself have that as what you plan to do ?
Heard about that kind of thing a lot: weed can bring back a lot of trippy effects especially after intense or disturbing trips, and there are also various ways how people can grow very sensitive to certain negative effects of weed or to the effects in general.

I know it's not as easy as suggesting this may seem, but I agree with people above: it is probably best to walk away from weed for an indefinite period and focus not on weed becoming normal again but giving yourself enough time to recover fully.

Not sure if your friends are kind of pressuring you or if it is just difficult to have friends who smoke a lot and not do it yourself, but just explain it to them and disregard any insensitive reactions. Having a weed habit is one thing, but when it starts getting difficult in some way or another it is definitely unhealthy to keep it up beyond that.

Don't make things overly difficult for yourself with thoughts about whether you can ever smoke weed again. That is focussing on the wrong thing and kinda besides the point. Just have faith that you have the best chance at doing many things again in the future if you first phase out associations like those that are apparently ruining weed for you now. Intense negative experiences can follow you around for quite a while with thiings like psychedelics and weed involved, and it is a long process to tune out emotion triggered associations (trauma-like basically) and phobias.

You can't make things black and white like trying to answer now whether you can ever smoke weed again just because it seems too long term to make predictions. You can't reason an answer to this really, these worries are grounded in feelings. Just let it go for now and establish trusting feelings again, and internal peace. You'll be fine if you do that. Beating a dead horse will just delay stuff.. it's not the end of all horses.

Also, it's healthy to find ways to have fun and be happy without smoking weed - in general. Otherwise that is definitely not 'responsible'. Might be hard to imagine now, but don't believe you can't have fun without it and self-fulfill that prophecy. First let it go, open up to new interests and experiences, give it time. Maybe you find different things that are more fulfilling than smoking weed and grow disinterested in it over the years. Maybe you will refind interest in weed in a number of years and have fun with it again then and with different things in the meanwhile. Either way that would be a win-win while keeping yourself and your happiness dependent on weed is not.
Not with psychedelics but with stims for me - e.g.

I had trouble with weed in the 80's and early 90's when I was doing coke or crack at least one day per week (less than 1/2 gram /week habit - not addicted, but always interested iykwim).
the trouble emerged as edginess, twitchy-ness, and tweaky-ness and even though I was no longer into any stims at all, weed bugged me until 2016.

If I smoke too much now I still get twitchy
(eg for me 5 tokes of strong Jamaican is a bit much in 1/2 hour - or 2 tokes of killer hydro weed is the same),
but anything psychoactive makes me a bit twitchy during the come-up.

I am most comfortable on lysergamides and nothing else, or with weed at the end of a session on lysergamides.
weed is a strong psychedelic agent.
I went through this for a good two-three years. It goes away but you have to work on yourself. A break from everything is advised then start back slowly, just a few tokes at a time. Eventually you can get back to the old days of smoking yourself to sleep without anxiety but it does take some time.
Honestly took me almost 3 years to actually enjoy weed again after a really really bad trip that sounds slightly similar to yours. Crazy how the mind works, ain't it?
Tripping for the first time changed how week affected me forever, before that it was just this light-headed delirious high that made me really hungry, just like you see in the movies. Then after I ate a bunch of mushrooms for the first time, i couldn't smoke weed without going back into the trip, visuals and all. This wore off after a couple months of trying to smoke weed, but to this day, and after tripping other times, weed affects me differently and I definitely categorize it as a psychedelic high in the way it makes me feel, think, etc.

I got over the initial part of being unable to smoke weed by just smoking really tiny bits of weed when i did smoke, don't take a massive bong rip or keeping hitting the joint. For me it felt like smoking weed wore away at the trippiness and this eventually made it stop getting so crazy, but simply not smoking, every time i'd smoke it would be a mushy flashback.
yo bro. i did acid everyday for 2 weeks. 2 years later and i still trip heavy when i smoke. but it does slowly go away, or maybe u just get used to it. but i did do a lot more then u so maybe its just taking longer for mine to go away. either way i smoked 2 mins ago and I'm perfectly fine typing this message and have a good time. at this point bro u just gotta think positive and ride out the trip instead of letting your mind go into a bad trip. i do it all the time, u just gotta think of happy things and give yourself a happy mindset in order to not have a bad trip or freak out. bad trips fuck people up for a long time. youll never forget it, but u can always look at it and move past it. i mean i was literally researching this to find out and make sure this isnt just me seeing this. so honestly bro best of luck, u got this bro. keep your head up.
Take a break. Go back slow. If you take a break, you might find the bad trip ends up being a positive influence on you. Don't run from it, which weed would facilitate.

And, if you ever trip again, don't smoke weed on it even if you are a daily smoker at the time. Lots of people have trouble with that. I do.
I wonder if the OP is smoking weed again after all this time. Watch they own a dispensary. lol (that is why I bug people for updates instead of the hit and run style, sometimes people do come back because I asked. This might be too long ago.)

That is some bad trip. Ouch.
I wonder if the OP is smoking weed again after all this time. Watch they own a dispensary. lol (that is why I bug people for updates instead of the hit and run style, sometimes people do come back because I asked. This might be too long ago.)

That is some bad trip. Ouch.

Didn't catch the necro