Lost Will leave.

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Stop immediately talking and making "fun" of me in my own thread. Thank you. It is there for me to get rid of whatever and nobody else is invited.

So go away pls.
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EDITED: Due to confusion with crazyness somewhere else

Also do people “own” the threads they start?
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I never shooted something up?! Never in my life I used any needles! Are you crazy?
No, but I don't want to be mobbed ever and ever. It's just bullshit that is written. I created this thread to reflect myself and what I write, and I don't want any people here. Perhaps I should do a blog. Can blogs getting locked?
No, but I don't want to be mobbed ever and ever. It's just bullshit that is written. I created this thread to reflect myself and what I write, and I don't want any people here. Perhaps I should do a blog. Can blogs getting locked?
Next time if u want to write something for yourself where no one can give an opinion try using a paper and pen and not a forum where anyone can post.
Joe, this is exhausting for other's people mental health. 47 replies already -- how many pages do you want and for what? Blaming others for your stupidity and keep venting with shit you see in yourself and then you attack the world and on top of that -- you can't even say ''Yes, I am sorry -- I know I have a problem and am gonna do my best to fix it''. Leave the internet behind for a while -- believe me when I say you gonna come back a new you.
I never shooted something up?! Never in my life I used any needles! Are you crazy?

My mistake - your name and avatar looked similar to another that started a different crazy post on my tiny phone screen. Much apologies.

BTW: I think people can still post replies to blogs
My mistake - your name and avatar looked similar to another that started a different crazy post on my tiny phone screen. Much apologies.

BTW: I think people can still post replies to blogs
Whatever, it's okay.

Nothing. But thank you for asking and realising that there is a lot of unhealthy stuff.

Thanks for asking! THis already IS helping.

No, but I don't want to be mobbed ever and ever. It's just bullshit that is written. I created this thread to reflect myself and what I write, and I don't want any people here. Perhaps I should do a blog. Can blogs getting locked?
You created this thread because you thought you could garner sympathy, then when people don’t give it and call you on your shit, you don’t want answers. Ima refrain from making any judgements on your mental health, but as for calling you out when your being pathetic I have no qualms about. Maybe if you shut your mouth and listened to the bullying more in life and on here you’d be in a better position and a hell of a lot more humble. Again I played the “leaving card” a few months back, and was told very quickly no one gives a shit if I do. You ever notice that some people on here, even if they passed away are still regarded in a highly respected manner and are asked about often? That’s because they were pleasant to talk to and contributed to the betterment of the site. The only thing you’ve contributed is paranoia and bitching. Do you do this to your therapist when they give you advice? Do you claim they are bullying? There’s bullying and then there character building. But this is my last response, I’m not here to talk shit argue, and cause others notifications to blow up on a little girl crying about the unfairness of life, and considering your on the Internet responding, you have a shit load of a better life then the kid starving Getting beat and molested in your town, or the daughter who just had to watch her mother die in the hospital and had to make the decision to pull the plug or the serviceman fighting for his country in a war he knows is bullshit so he can put food on the table. You and a lot of people need to be told to shut the fuck up, and be easier to get along with. I hope this dumb shit gets locked the audacity to sit there and bitch, and never point the finger at yourself. You woulda pulled this shit in my family you woulda been picking your teeth up Off the floor since you wanted to cry so bad.
OK so, I don't know any of the background to this thread. I dunno who's in the right or in the wrong. But way I see it, it doesn't matter.

The dark side is a part of bluelight which is generally intended for support, that doesn't mean of course that sometimes well intentioned support can't be taken badly, or that people can't offer constructive criticism. But it would be best if you have more potentially hurtful criticism, you save it for the lounge.

As for the question of who "owns" a thread, or who's expected to control it. Technically the staff control them. The creater has a little bit more control since they have the power to delete their starting post, and the entire thread with it. However even that has occasionally been reversed by the staff when it was felt that the conversation was constructive and that it'd be better to just manually remove the creators posts rather than the whole thing.

I'm not super familiar with the blogs system. But if you wish to write thoughts that are just put out there with no desire for people to reply, that would probably be the place. I'm not sure.

Regardless, it seems to me that this particular thread is not in keeping with dark sides purpose. So I'm going to lock it. JoEhJoEh as you started the thread, let me know if you'd rather just see it deleted and I'd be happy to do that.

Id like to remind everyone though that flaming on the dark side is actually against the rules for this part of the site. It doesn't really matter how deserved it might be.
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