will I experience pregabalin withdrawals? 200-400 mg 2-4x/week for 1 month usage


Oct 21, 2021
Hi everyone
So I was completely clean from every substance - even caffeine - for 2.5 weeks in August prior to returning to college because I knew I'd be using stuff here and there.

I used to be a heavy binge drinker, but managed to completely stop drinking (1+ year alcohol free) by using Phenibut. Phenibut has become my true love for socializing, euphoria, relaxing and basically everything alcohol was doing. It is also good for nerve pain which I have and excellent for stimulant comedowns, which I also deal with. I take Adderall therapeutically as a pre-med at a very competitive university.

But phenibut has some glaring downsides. The high/afterglow lasts for a long ass time which is great, but the rebound also lasts a while and can make it really hard to function. Not ideal when u need to be high functioning basically every day.

I requested pregabalin from my doctor this past July, and he prescribed it. At first, I found it was almost everything i'd hoped for: phenomenal for nerve pain, excellent for getting to sleep after using Adderall. Unlike phenibut I don't experience much euphoria from pregabalin but also have not felt any hangovers/rebounds. I think this is the reason I got a bit cavalier w/ my pregab dosing schedule, seeing that it would let me get to sleep and wake up fully functional the next day.

I started taking pregabalin 1-2x a week during the 2nd week of december at doses from 200-600 mg each. Similar situation 3rd week sept, but more like 200-300. However, I've had a ton of tests the last week of sept and this first week of october, which means I took more Adderall than usual, which means I took pregabalin more like 3-4x/week. In hindsight I should have just dealt with some shitty nights of sleep and megadosed magnesium, but pregabalin seemed so benign and I was never exceeding 350 mg during this time.

I last dosed on sunday night. Monday I felt normal, Tuesday is where I got concerned: some brain fog, lethargy, increased nerve pain, and insomnia. Bizarrely, I had burning leg skin when I was trying to sleep which I;ve never had before; however, I took adderall at 3 pm for an exam, and adderall comedowns always include bizarre, unpredictable effects.
I ended up sleeping for 5 hours last night and feel pretty blegh today. I just am having trouble distinguishing this from my usual bleh self.

So, my question: after taking pregabalin 1-2x/week for 2 weeks and 3-4x a week for 2 weeks at doses of 250-400 mg, what's my likelihood of experiencing withdrawals? I should note I have not noticed any tolerance develop: even the lower doses will still hit me quite strong.

I have one more exam tomorrow before a 5 day break with a pretty low amount of work and obligations. I’d like to take adderall for this last exam before taking a break, and probably phenibut afterwards so I don’t feel like absolute fucking shit all of tomorrow during the comedown, and because I have an event that night that will be a million times easier with phenibut. Then I will just get raw dogged by the comedown and accept that it is what it is and take a long break from everything.

how much worse is the phenibut comedown likely to be than normal given my pregab dosing? And would taking phenibut tomorrow possibly push me over the threshold where I risk developing kindling where I’ll basically have issues with GABAergic/gabapentinoid drugs for quite a long time?

thanks everyone
So, my question: after taking pregabalin 1-2x/week for 2 weeks and 3-4x a week for 2 weeks at doses of 250-400 mg, what's my likelihood of experiencing withdrawals? I should note I have not noticed any tolerance develop: even the lower doses will still hit me quite strong.
I'd say minimal but be prepared if possible (hold back a few just in case or other meds around? }. We all have different reactions to drug cessation.
My 2c
But phenibut has some glaring downsides. The high/afterglow lasts for a long ass time which is great, but the rebound also lasts a while and can make it really hard to function. Not ideal when u need to be high functioning basically every day.

I requested pregabalin from my doctor this past July, and he prescribed it. At first, I found it was almost everything i'd hoped for: phenomenal for nerve pain, excellent for getting to sleep after using Adderall. Unlike phenibut I don't experience much euphoria from pregabalin but also have not felt any hangovers/rebounds. I think this is the reason I got a bit cavalier w/ my pregab dosing schedule, seeing that it would let me get to sleep and wake up fully functional the next day.
Def dont combine these from exp it can lead to days of fog. lol