Why would you come to this forum for steroid discussion?


Nov 3, 2008
Why would you come to bluelight for advice on gear? After reading some posts its all immature teenager wanting to get "massive" and it seems this subforum gives advice to them when we all know theyre going to fuck them up.
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We actually spend the majority of the time telling people that they aren't ready for steroids and to get their diet and training in check. We also don't recomend anyone under 21 touch them- preferably no-one under 25...

Good job reading there, son! :p
Why would you come to bluelight for advice on gear? After reading some posts its all immature teenager wanting to get "massive" and it seems this subforum gives advice to them when we all know theyre going to fuck them up.

If you read the rules and guidelines, you would see how things work here...

The more information that you provide, the better we can help. And for those of you who are willing to help answer a question, be sure to know how old he/she is. We don't want kids using AAS.

I'll read other forums, but I'll only post on bluelight. I dislike the attitude on all the muscle forums out there. Everyone has a holier than thou attitude and if you haven't done 68427096 cycles, you get flamed for daring to ask a question. And the muscle forums are rampant with trolls. While there are alot of worthless post on bluelight, one that comes to mind is the which oral only cycle should I do, winny or dbol. I feel I'll get honest responses from knowledgeable muscle enthusiast if I have any questions I need to be answered without all the bs. Even if it's a simple question. And I think that's true for any other subforum on bluelight.
I'm active on a lot of popular and underground fitness and lifetyle boards and I feel the the moderator of this board, Victor, is the most intelligent and informative member on the interwbs
I don't get on this particular part of the forum too often. No interest in steroids or the like. Believe in all natural...so yeah. Though sharing of knowledge is good.
I'm active on a lot of popular and underground fitness and lifetyle boards and I feel the the moderator of this board, Victor, is the most intelligent and informative member on the interwbs

I appreciate the kind words bro. :)

Considering that BL is based on harm reduction, I don't see why any teenager shouldn't come in here for advice.
We actually spend the majority of the time telling people that they aren't ready for steroids and to get their diet and training in check. We also don't recomend anyone under 21 touch them- preferably no-one under 25...

Good job reading there, son! :p

Have to agree with you
The advice is helpful here from the likes of Victor, and people generally don't have to duck stones hurled at them, but receive helpful replies.

People ignorant of aas but are interested in using them need somewhere they can obtain informed advice, which will include harm reduction. If they are going to take aas anyway, they should be able to do so with safe guidance, and an idea of consequences through incorrect use.