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Who Wrote The Bible?


Jan 19, 2012
Totally seriously, who wrote the bible?

How do we know that this is god's word? The logistics make zero sense to me.

I was raised secular. Ive had many spiritual experiences, but these were with drugs and chakra meditation along with reading and exercise.

I addmitingly have not read the whole bible.
Can someone explain this to me? Thanks.
OK, that's 2 different questions. Who wrote the Old Testament and who wrote the New Testament.

And I'm not sure your question would be answered by giving a list of names. I think what you MIGHT be asking is WHY was the bible written.

Near as I can tell the OT was written to give a people a myth. The Hyksos had just been booted out of Egypt and if they were to continue to believe in 'The One True God' they had to have a rationale. So somebody (probably Moses and Aaron) wrote a new history that made them out to be God's People.

The evidence from the bible says almost all of it is modified Egyptian theology. The real world history tells us the Egyptians NEVER had a race of slaves and they NEVER had an Exodus of those slaves. But they DID have a group who ran the Necropolis for almost 100 years who imposed a 'One Ture God' religion on Egypt until the polytheist priests finally managed to kick them out. They headed North and became the 'Sea People' and evidence says they rocked up to the coast near what is now called Israel.

But, you can't have a supreme God when you just got handed your arses. So they get a whole lot of myth and legend and cobble it together to give a reasonably coherent story.

New Testament? Whole different ball of wax. Google 'Paul and Josephus' and see what you think of the evidence. In spite of 'Peter the Rock' on whom the Church was founded, Peter was a bit of a dumb reactionary - the person who built what we call the Christian Church was Saul/Paul, and he set it up to be what became the Catholic Church.

Most people arew not aware enough to realise the process or philosophy set out by the Christ looks nothing like the Church Paul orchestrated in the books that follow the Gospels... and Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus had no witnesses. Suddenly the guy who has been persecuting anyone who believed in the Christ rocks up and proclaims he's a convert and restructures almost everything about the new religion.


So... who wrote it? Lots of answers. But a better question is, who benefited?
Journeyman, there are probably 100 bookshelves in your street alone replete with heavily footnoted tomes agreeing and also disagreeing with your position. But, as Jesus says, Journeyman my friend, who do YOU say I am?
Totally seriously, who wrote the bible?

How do we know that this is god's word?

It is not clear who wrote most of the books of the Bible and we don't know that it's God's word. It is the word of men, who claim to have encountered God.
Our ability to translate the divine, the impossible, into comprehensible English is limited. Especially when the majority of people refuse to comprehend.
The Bible is an anthology of spiritual accounts, written - most likely - by a combination of holy men and charlatans.
Christians refer to it, rather than other holy texts, as the word of God because they want to own God.
Same goes for all other religions and their ownership claims.

(The Bible shouldn't be discounted, just because it isn't perfect.)
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Haha! As if we could ever own the Maker of Heaven and earth. He flung the stars into space. His power suspends the planets in their perfect orbits.
itch, you spend a lot of time on this forum preaching about Jesus.

If Jesus isn't integral to the spiritual process, then why focus so much on him?

And if he is integral to the spiritual process, that implies ownership.

Christians say he is. Therefore: ownership.

Christians have the key to God.

The key being Jesus.

To go to heaven you need to accept Jesus, according to Christians.

So, Christians claim ownership over heaven also.

If The Bible is the word of God, and all other holy texts are not, that also implies an ownership claim.

Ownership of God; Ownership of heaven; and, ownership of the word of God.

I'm not saying you own God, on the most literal level, like he's in your fishbowl.

I mean you (read: Christians) claim ownership.
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Thanks so far. This is seriously unvieling something ive had no idea about for years.

I still am somewhere between secular and shpongle\oneness\psuedo-buddism, but i plan on googling a lot of this.

A lot of Christians believe the Gospel of John was written by John.
Historians indicate that it was most likely written by the followers of John (Johannites) decades after his death.

The books of Moses, similarly, are often thought to be authored by Moses.
In reality, they were written over a period of time by multiple people.

They (the stories of the Bible) appear more credible as literal truth, if they are seen as first-person accounts.
But, they were not first-person accounts... and the Bible is not a historical document.

You might argue that the story of Christ is literally true, since there is no way to prove that it isn't.
The story of Moses, on the other hand, contains massive historical inaccuracies.
Parts of Genesis (Adam & Eve, the flood narrative) are re-worked stories, from the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Haha! As if we could ever own the Maker of Heaven and earth. He flung the stars into space. His power suspends the planets in their perfect orbits.
Um... the orbits actually aren't perfect. There is considerable evidence that early on there were bashes and crashes. Jupiter caused some ructions among the gas giants and they apparently moved outwards. There is a good chance Venus is recently (on cosmic scales) an addition in her orbit. The planets do not orbit in circles but ellipses (some quite odd, such as Pluto) and they orbit around a barycentre not the Sun itself. Mars looks like it got smacked hard by something a while back, The Moon has been spattered with debris from somewhere, Uranus rotates very oddly as if it has been altered by something...

If God did do it, it is unlikely S/He placed things where they are and far more likely S/He simply set up the initial conditions and let the machinery run.