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Recovery Who has been to treatment and did you stay clean?


Nov 9, 2020
Ok so I did 30 days in a dual diagnosis center. They focused mainly on mental issues but touched on addiction. I got out moved in with my parents and stayed clean for about a month.
I started us I g Heroin again but my ROA was IM in small shots. I have been using off and on for over a month now.
My tolerance is going back up but im still very careful on how much I do so I dont OD. Im using in my parents home secretly when they are gone or asleep. If they find out I will own it and "man up" and move in with friends. Im trying to only use when im out of my dilaudid.
I struggle with myself because im disrespecting my parents by A using again, B using my dads car to get dope and C using in there home. I am trying to figure out my next literal move so im not living with them.
What about Yall? Has treatment worked for you?
Advice please!
I have been to treatment 3 times, going in for my 4th later this week. None of my sober stretches have lasted longer than a couple months, alas. 4th times a charm they say.
I have been to treatment 3 times, going in for my 4th later this week. None of my sober stretches have lasted longer than a couple months, alas. 4th times a charm they say.
What is your DOC and what caused you to relapse?