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White Snowmans (Pictures)


Oct 17, 2007
I just aquired these through a trusted source although Ive never heard of them before. They have a hue of pink when you look at them in the light. I have not ingested these as of yet. Anyone else ever come across these?

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RavenousBlonde said:
They almost look light orange in that picture.

I'm sure you did this? http://www.pillreports.com/index.ph...0&submit.x=0&submit.y=0&submit=Search+Reports

Did you try your regional pill discussion?

Yeah I did a search on pillreports but the only results that came up were places in America. I know for a fact these havent made there way around here until now. I did see a similar report regarding these from someone in Buffalo but the effects they described were nothing like the ones my friends experienced. No vomiting...no bad reactions. Must be a few different batches going around it seems.
we had yellows in bama and they were horrible. when i say horrible i mean people who took them were in bed in the fetal position for a day or so. these pills are absolute garbage.
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^^^ I'm guessing love_child is in another country (Canada?) by their last reply. Probably not the same batch you got here in Alabamastan. Just about all pills around here are crappy. :(
RavenousBlonde said:
^^^ I'm guessing love_child is in another country (Canada?) by their last reply. Probably not the same batch you got here in Alabamastan. Just about all pills around here are crappy. :(

Yeah. Toronto over here...that sucks that you guys have crappy pills. Im going to stop taking pills for a few months until I find a better connection. The one I have now is reliable but hes got crap pills most of the time. Is there any way to get a test kit without buying it off of the internet because I still live with my parents and I dont want it to get shipped to there house if you know what I mean.
love_child said:
Is there any way to get a test kit without buying it off of the internet because I still live with my parents and I dont want it to get shipped to there house if you know what I mean.

I do know what you mean :( There have been several threads on BL regarding this issue and AFAIK, nobody has been able to source them in a headshop, ect. Do you have a trusted friend that can have it shipped to their home for you?
Test kits i know for a fact are discreetly packaged from the Netherlands and they come through customs to your door very nicely. Even if it were open, its like heavily packaged so theres no telling really whats inside the shit.