Wheres the DIVERSITY?---must everyone be "worlds biggest raver?">>>

LMFAO! @ Brand - X
*playful punch*
you're too much!
Well, I'm a non raver. But apparently I don't know what a raver is as I've never been to what I class as a rave. But someone else believes that what I class as a party, is actually a rave, so I actually have been to a rave. So I therefore I have the right to call someone a raver. But if I go to what someone else calls a rave, that means I'm actually a raver. But what sort of raver am I? Do I fit into any of the category's? No. So that means I'm a real raver. Which means I'm in a category with Goose, who doesn't want to be part of a category. So we're different. But according to mona, everyone different is actually the same. But the whole idea of this thread was to find people who aren't the same as everyone else on the board.
So I shouldn't have even posted here.
I'm confused

miss apple
It is easy to get a false image of what or whom people represent that are on this board.. reading your own insecurities into everyone elses posts and you will always feel that you are out of the loop.. just because you arent a "big ravah" i think you assume for the most part that everyone on here is.. not true, hopefully everyone revealing their "true" identity will help you over come your hang up with diversity.. and just another thought, people usually avoid talking about what is out of their comfort zone... since you are not a big raver and want to more or less form some kinda "non-raver community" dont you think its fairly hypocritcal to take whats making you diverse to form a community of the same? with that you are no more diverse that what you started with.
x2k giving you a sleepy thought.
miss apple, gettin' philosophical and takin' no prisoners!
I like your post quite a bit...critique, contrast, contort (and watch the snake eat its tail...almost a textual mobius strip)...I absolutely think you should have posted it. Moreover, I think it is the most profound statement in the thread. BTW, confusion is good...you're more likely to see clearly when taken out of your standard framework...no structures are already in place to obstruct your view.
Personally, I'm a cultural mutt; I try to remain as unclassifiable as possible. I don't want others determining into what group I fall, well, other than my tax bracket. I abhor people labeling me and thinking they have me figured out...if they do, they often attempt to exercise control, and that just chaps my pucker.
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
Im pretty diverse....sober im Jay....Hopped up on K im satan....
Do You Want A Bump?
Or Should I Do Both?
Im pretty diverse...sober im a sleeve tattooed, dyed red gotee, animator named jay...hopped up on K im satan....
Do You Want A Bump?
Or Should I Do Both?