when do i take protein with workout?


Apr 8, 2009
I'm 6-6, 285lbs, 41 years old, 27 percent fat and good muscle size. trying to keep muscle while trimming the gut. should I take protein before workout with slow burning carb, just protein or empty stomach and then after I know I should have protein right away and with quick burning carbs. I have been taking 30 gram before workout with 1/2 banana and 30 grams after workout with 1/2 banana and 10 grams of sugar (4 now and laters pcs.). then a meal with 40 grams protein and some carbs two hours later.. I work out late also if it matters. done around eight pm. Also side question... if it takes 2 hours for back and bi's with 1 1/2- 2 minute rest between sets, should I take anything during?
currently I take 50 gm. whey in morning
50 gm whey in afternoon
split 60 gm whey before and after workout
and about 150 grams protein though tuna, chicken, ground beef, shrimp, fish, or eggs ( three meals with one of these food at each meal)
and I only have whey protein (are they all about the same?) GNC 60 whey
I think that is just too much whey. More real food will do you good, even if it does come with some fat.

Also, LIMIT THE WORKOUTS to 75minutes MAXIMUM. Increase the intensity and do supersets if you have to. After 75 minutes a workout starts getting very counter-productive. Cortisol on the rise can very well prevent any adipose tissue loss. Plus, if you're training for 2 hours you aren't training hard, and when you'll be training HARD you'll see why a 60-minute workout is plenty.
i think that is just too much whey. More real food will do you good, even if it does come with some fat.

Also, limit the workouts to 75minutes maximum. Increase the intensity and do supersets if you have to. After 75 minutes a workout starts getting very counter-productive. Cortisol on the rise can very well prevent any adipose tissue loss. Plus, if you're training for 2 hours you aren't training hard, and when you'll be training hard you'll see why a 60-minute workout is plenty.

+1 qft
It's not the protein, and it's not the reps. As you get older, your body produces less testosterone. You could theoretically get a prescription from a male doctor who specializes in certain conditions. You could read the paper on indications and what other's have recived prescription testosterone for. Don't go to an Indian doctor, they think people should be able to heal or grow in size based on faith in krishna or some other fantasy diety. You are 41 years old, and most of your testosteroneproduction has ceased. At 30 years old you reach like a brick wall, where your hormonal blanace changes. Without exogenous testosterone, you would experience lack of muscle tone, slower metabolism, but also a more mellow mood. I will not comment if that is a good thing or bad thing, just a matter of scientific fact.