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What's your cardio?

I hated elliptical but now I love it. I do 20 minutes at 14 difficulty @ 272 lbs body weight and it's really tough! =)
I hated elliptical but now I love it.

I'm the same way. I had to start incorporating the eliptical and bike into my cardio routines when I fractured my ankle.

I do some type of cardio at least 6 days a week. Probably run 3, eliptical 2, and stationary bike 1 if I had to ration it out. Hitting the heavy bag and shadow boxing are great cardio options as well.

Whenver I do my circuit type weight lifting days, my heart rate gets up to the same rate it will from running. I'm probably the leanest I've ever been from all this cardio and a strict diet. Will post pics in the following weeks.
Used to be running but I have shin splints. Now I cycle outside and actually find it to be a lot more fun! The speed makes it a lot more exciting for me.

I also do a lot of actual strength training. Focus isn't on either one. I like both.

edit: When doing indoor cardio eliptical is my favourite. I used to hate it and still think it look silly but think about it. All those other things you can do outside, why the hell would you run/cycle/do steps at the gym?
45 minute workout 4x/week.
45 minutes of cardio 4x/week (Treadmill, stationary bike, etc).

I think swimming (doing laps) would be the most intense form of cardio ever haha, Imma have to try this.
I have spinal stenosis and degenerative discs (just had a herniated one operated on a month ago) so I can't run. Too much impact. The elliptical is a godsend for someone like me. I do about 30-45 minutes a day on there depending on how much time I have. I keep the resistance 2 notches down from the incline, which I both keep very high. I start at an incline of 16 and resistance 14 and work my way up to 20/18 and back down to 16/14, burning about 13 calories a minute according to the (probably flawed) meter on the machine.

I miss lifting so much. Because of my back I got put on a weight restriction for the next 6 months. Lost a shitload of muscle mass due to the surgery and recovery already...
I have spinal stenosis and degenerative discs (just had a herniated one operated on a month ago) so I can't run. Too much impact. The elliptical is a godsend for someone like me. I do about 30-45 minutes a day on there depending on how much time I have. I keep the resistance 2 notches down from the incline, which I both keep very high. I start at an incline of 16 and resistance 14 and work my way up to 20/18 and back down to 16/14, burning about 13 calories a minute according to the (probably flawed) meter on the machine.

I miss lifting so much. Because of my back I got put on a weight restriction for the next 6 months. Lost a shitload of muscle mass due to the surgery and recovery already...

Gymanstics/bodyweight training would probably be a better option for you then weights. Still build good strength and muscle but with very little spinal compression.
Gymanstics/bodyweight training would probably be a better option for you then weights. Still build good strength and muscle but with very little spinal compression.

word... what do you mean by gymnastics?

I'm going to take advantage of the weight restriction and lose some weight, and try to bust my gut. My doctor, and friend who's a bodybuilder/NY certified trainer both said that I have to strengthen my core/abs before I think about picking up another weight. My girl is a pilates teacher so I'm thinking of biting the bullet and taking some classes, as much as I'm dreading it...

Certain positions and motions in gymnastics and pilates could really hurt me though. I have to avoid twisting and bending at all costs apparently, as I have one disc that is at high risk of slipping out at any time.

Before my surgery I was trying to put on muscle mass and basically "get big". I'm slowly realizing that I'll probably never be able to "get big" like I wanted to, using the methods I wanted to...
word... what do you mean by gymnastics?

I'm going to take advantage of the weight restriction and lose some weight, and try to bust my gut. My doctor, and friend who's a bodybuilder/NY certified trainer both said that I have to strengthen my core/abs before I think about picking up another weight. My girl is a pilates teacher so I'm thinking of biting the bullet and taking some classes, as much as I'm dreading it...

Certain positions and motions in gymnastics and pilates could really hurt me though. I have to avoid twisting and bending at all costs apparently, as I have one disc that is at high risk of slipping out at any time.

Before my surgery I was trying to put on muscle mass and basically "get big". I'm slowly realizing that I'll probably never be able to "get big" like I wanted to, using the methods I wanted to...

By gymnastics I mean exercises done on gymnastics rings, parellel bars/dip stations, that kind of thing. Like pull ups, dips, planche, front lever, back lever, handstand push ups, single leg squats and glute ham raises. There easier on the spine because theres no weight bearing down on the discs. But if you've been advised against bending or twisting then you might have a problem with them, as you said, as the beginner variations usually involve flexion to some degree. Maybe its not a good idea for you then, but I know gymnastics has been good to me and others with back pain at getting stronger without re-injury.
Going to start adding some cardio today, still bulking but slowing down. Pretty proud of myself for my first bulk. Will continue to eat lots since I lose weight so easily. Want to cut down to around 10 to 12 percent body fat (am at like 15 now during my bulk, still pretty good)

Also proved to myself that I am not as much of a hardgainer as I though, I just needed to eat more.