Whats the big deal with Taco-Bell???

Kansas City? Southern accents? What planet are you from space man?
Sorry, couldn't help the ribbing...I'm North Carolina born and raised and my dad's side of the family ALL live in Alabama. Needless to say, I'm sure a Kansas City accent would barely faze me.
I guess I'm lucky...I have a straight up, white bread American accent (dem's da benefits of watching a bunch of TV when I was a kid)...it's impossible to deduce where I'm from. I kinda dig it. People from my own state ask me where I'm originally from...people from Northern metropolitan areas start joking with me about how funny Southern accents sound. I let them dig themselves a big hole, then spring my origin on them. Ah, the expressions and back-peddling are priceless! I'm too easily amused, I guess...
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 12 January 2000).]
ahhh, ye olde waffle house

i tried grits for the first time at waffle house in columbus ohio -------->>>>>>>
ah those were the days. you may all laugh, but for a young canadian boy who had seen "my cousin vinny" a few too many times, my first grit experience was going to be huge.
then i actually tasted that shite
see, the thing i didn't realise is that we have grits up here in canada too. . . .
only up here we call it corn-meal and feed it to livestock!
ps. taco bell = bathroom hell
pps. pita pit is tha shit!! (in a good way this time
ppps. shawarma king will make you sing
There is nothing better than the THE WAFFLE HOUSE after a long drunk night! The place is really corny, which you make fun of and hey, they even have a jukebox!!!
we dont have a waffle house i am jealous! taco bell is the weirdest sickest place to eat.. i am a vegitarian and they have a disclaimer on EVERYTHING they sell about having meat in it.. its crazy!! its like do you have anything for vegitarians? they are all... hmmm, well anything we sell may have come in contact with meat.. ewwwww whats that all about.. and then those creepy commercials.. they are like drop the chalupa, treatin it like its a weapon.. yeah its because they know its gonna give you the shits from hell.. its like a bomb for your ass, eat it then explode! hahaaa... sorry that wasnt very ladylike heh.. peace all and take care of yer tummies!
this post is so damn funny... anyhow i hate Taco smell... never eat there... but i do like burger king and the waffle house...
but i can't eat when i'm rollin anyway, so i just go there and drink a couple of glasses of chocolate milk and watch everybody eat, wondering, how can they eat while rollin....
Taco hell....I mean Bell is good sometimes but I can only eat the hard tacos. But the best 8up food is definatly pizza!!!!!