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Whats the best Research Chemical Cannabinoid?


Feb 16, 2014
Im interested in researching RC Cannabinoids. Which seems to be the best? Im also interested in dosing, good effects, bad effects, length from ingestion back to baseline, and anything else you think may be helpful or that I might need to know about them. Thanks.
Gotta be careful with your threads mate; threads asking for drug recommendations generally tend to get shut down, so you may want to do a bit of editing there. (I'm pretty sure there's even a rule against it).

Btw right now I smoke a blend of 5fakb48 and bb-25 they work very well together, with a decent duration.
I'll save you the time, if you want to get high as fuck, then AM-2201 ("or" the original JWH) does the job; however, I can not suggest that you mess with it from a harm reduction standpoint due to its flourinnated chemical makeup. No one should ever consume this drug if they were worried about their health or wanted to treat a health condition. Consumption of this drug is NEGATIVE for your health. The high is pretty cool and I frequently dose AM-2001, but I can not say that everyone is meant to handle it.
Im not asking for recommendations. Im asking for knowledge on them. im very interested in research chemicals and am trying to do more research on the cannabinoids. I cant find much out about them so I decided to ask.
Ah, I completely missed out on that whole generation of noids, hadn't even heard of them until recently, but yeah I've heard JWH01 will get you utterly wasted. How's it stack up to the current noids being sold (AKB, PB-22, etc)?

As for negative effects, the only ones I've experienced are elevated bp and a major panic attack from smoking around 20 mg of 5fakb48. If you're looking for long-term damage, toxicity, etc from these noids, there really is not much research data out there at all, so smoking them is a risk. I guess the negative effects of AM-2201 are kind of moot now, as it's been an illegal drug for ages, and pretty hard to get hold of.

But yeah, if you've never smoked a noid before, BB-25 may be a good place to start; it was the first one I tried. Duration is excellent for a noid, with high doses lasting (me) up to four hours. It's quite sedating, with a strong body high but minimal head-fuck. OP if you decide to use noids, are you gonna be smoking them in a herbal blend, or in the pure form? I only ask cause it's very easy to smoke far too much if you're using pure.
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I feel like RC cannabinoids can be a very touchy subject. From what I have read about a few it mainly depends on the person. Some may like one and others may hate that one but isnt that the case with all drugs? Probably the main reason there isnt much info on them is because they are research chemicals. They need research. But usually by the time there is enough research done it becomes illegal and a few new ones are made.
Yeah, noids are seen as dirt pretty much everywhere; the amount of bad press they get is crazy considering the lack of hard research. Some people do have very bad reactions to them, but I don't blame the noids themselves; that's also true for smoking cannabis - it really can freak people out.

I've seen some news reports of people being hospitalised after smoking the pre-made blends, but who knows what chemicals have been added to them to give a more intense high by greedy headshops? I'd only smoke a blend I've made myself for this reason. (Also, it works out far, far cheaper).
I actually had a good friend who just recently started smoking cannabis and he loved it. But one time he threw up when he smoked. Im not sure if it was the cannabis or what but I have never puked from it. I think some really good drugs could be made from RCs but they get so little research that no one cares to even try it.
Puking after smoking cannabis isn't an uncommon reaction, especially if the weed or hash is mixed with tobbaco - it's happened to me a hell of a lot, specially when I was using shotties years back, and the tobacco "plug" would burn instead of popping through.

And yeah, there are some very good drugs out there currently being sold as research chemicals; some may even have good medicinal potential, but most will be banned before they can ever be tested or trialled- that's the thing about this RC scene: the whole ship could sink anytime.