What's in your bag?

Genrally I like to have as many Pills as I might need. The rest is usually in my girlfriend's bag, in Pizzaguy's bag, in your bag...
i cant believe no one said pixie stix!!
also a pom pon to brush over peoples face.
-hand sanitizer
-the best thing ever that i cant find any more is a jitterbug- its a vibrating messager that lookes like a cute beetle
-a bottle of gbl
-this little light effects gun my mom got me for Christmas
"It's not my bag baby" LOL
I love Rollo
NE ways what is Ephedrine sorry I am a blonde :/
"if man is ever to solve that problem of politics in practice he will have to approach it through the problem of the aesthetic, because it is only through beauty that man makes his way to freedom."
only tried this twice, but try bringing in some sparklers (like the kind you parents gave you at fireworks shows when you were a kid). we lit some at midnight this new years, which seemed kinda fitting. the only other time i did it was on halloween. i brought about 100 sparklers and gave them away, then everyone lit them when this cool dj came on. the show was intense and it killed me to see the expression on the dj's face when the dancefloor erupted in front of him
liquidocean, Yeha peeps are like WhAtS ThAT???!? Can you put my name in it let me see!!!! It cute! That is when i remember i have it! oh added bonus, Backlit screen For rolling phattys on or possibly putting a few lines of k on if it is compleatly dark
MaD LoVin, Jessiy
I gotta pack light.
Usually I bring
=Water (if they let you bring it in)
=Smokes (preferably menthol)
=ring pops
=a few beads
=a snack (rice crispy bars are phat)
=Vicks/anything menthol
=***Most Important*** Friends
when i go to a party i bring along
one lighter,
two packs of gum,
one bong/pipe thingy
some lollipops
some old crummpled up peices of paper
stick of lippybaum!
ticket for the party ;o)
a spoon.....(you never know when someone is going to offer you some Jello! heheh)
H 2 O........
and a little kitty....she just loves the music
My bag..oops..my girl's bag has the following:
1)Glowsticks--3 pairs
3)My saphire led's(blue laser's)
4)Icy Hot(need those massages)
5)Candy--fruit stripe gum--tic tac's(cinn.)
6)Mouth drops(GNC has them--icy drop's)(WOW)
7)Ohhhh..i almost forgot<>#1..haha
And depending on the night>>a host of other things..A vial filled with nose candy.
peace kiddies
My bag is always stuffed to overflowing!!! And used to be yellow but now is mostly black from being at so many parties (including one in an underground parking garage)
Ok here we go, my ultimate party collection:
*smokes (2 packs usually, Belmonts always)
*TONS of bracelets...no wait those are usually on my arms

*an extra soother in case someone bites through theirs
*CANDY!! skittles, fuzzy peaches, jolly ranchers, gum...you name it
*camera- party pics are the best!
*vibrating bug
*vapo-rub, hand lotion, lip balm
*bright fuzzy pink book that all my new friends can sign (ohmygod i'm such a cand-E kid)

i gotsa huge funfur bag o tricks fillEd wiTh tunz of happE shit:
-VICKS! and of course, masks
-3 binkys (for mine or others emergencies)
-MAD KANDIE that Can'T fit on mE (u kids kno how it is)
-Zaphod my lil stuffed ravah alien boi
-vibrating brush
-vibrating Noo Noo (from Teletubbies)
-kids books "Telletubbies Love To Roll" and "Alice in Wonderland meets the White RAbbit"
-CANDY CANDY CANDY (mostly dum dums and gum) but ring pops too!
-silly putty
-trippy liquid toy guy
-trippy twisty toy guy
-mini koosh balls (great while rollin on arms n face)
-pikachu book fer numbers and email addys
-RavEr mOnkey
-chap stick
~LoTsA LuV n mAd KiSsES n HugGLiEZ~
*MWAH* but the 1 thIng i ALWAYS foRgEt iS a PEN!
but ya gotta luv it at A paWty when kidz pull you over in the corner and whip out the *magic bag* and all the surprises inside!

"We hold these experiences to be self-evident, that all is equal, that the creation endows us with certain inalienable rights, that among them are: the freedom of the body, the pursuit of joy, and the expansion of consciousness."
Our favorites things to have with us are:
1. Bracelets (that we made ourselves)
2. Vicks inhaler
3. blowpops and candy
4. glow sticks
5. Our two massagers (one that looks like a bug)
6. Stickers
7. Glitter
8. Vicks Vapor rub
9. dust masks
10. socks for rubbing
11. chapstick
12. lighters
13. light toys
14. water bottles
That's basically it. We dont bring all of this stuff everytime, but most of it.
You have to be prepared!
GEEZ!!! I only sport my basic Vicks inhaler and gum in my pocket and my cigs in my hand!
hey phat shit i didn't know i could fit in your bag rollwitit i mean i now i'm a lil short and all but yeah i can fit in your bag maybe now i can go to more parties.. hehehe just say i'm your fav doll.. hehehehe lol. sorry havn't postd for a while guys havn't been home..
peace out
much love and lots of huggles
PLUR the way to a better world
1)keys / money / ID / entry pass
2)Newports / Lighter / Blunts
3)Cell phone
4)The Bomb Inhaler (better than vicks) and a vicks
5)Lip Gloss and DCT lip balm
6)Sweet Tarts
7)Smiley Face that has a light inside
8)Kaleidescope and Bubbles
9)whichever color shades match my outfit
10)antibacterial hand sanitizer
11)pen size flash light
12)glow sticks
14)all my friends shit, cause they are bums and won't carry their own godamn bags!!
Can i add some markers to write "BLUELIGHT" on bluelighters arms'???
hee hee...
see you all in Reading, PA!!! on saturday..
*****BEAN me up Scotty*****