what was your first Bluelighter meeting/experience like?


Jan 11, 2000
I was flipping through some posts and some one wrote about how they haven't met any bluelighters yet but how s/he was really nervous about it. It got me thinking.
Most of you have met someone off of this board, right? That's awesome, let me tell you. Anyway, i haven't. I'm stuck in my hole
I'd like to, though. But I guess I share some of the same feelings as the above poster.. what if no one likes me?!

So.. what was your first time like? (no, this is not another oral sex role call thread!) Tell me about it!
My first Bluelighter Meetup Experience KICKED ASS!!! I think the first real Meetup was at Serenity (pix are on the bluelight pix page... check em out!). Even though I was FREEZING my balls off, I met Halo, Mr. Bigg-E, and GAM, and cagirl and co. there. It was completely awesome, and I knew from the start they kicked ass...

After that though, the first real time we got to spend together was at TRUSTless, when TRUST turned out to suck, and we came back to my place to roll ass... that was kewl. But damn, every time I've metup w/ em it's been kewl. YEAH! U GUYS ROCK!
But I wasn't nervous... I was MAD looking forward to it. and I wasn't let down at all.
Well I had my first bluelighter experience only last week when I met up with Sassy, Klownz and Chaos. And it was so kick-ass!
I know and bluelighters agree that you can really feel the connection when you all meet up. And I also know that some wicked friendships come out of the meetups. (You know who *YOU* are!)