what the hell :(


Jul 29, 2009
Well just when things turn around ... my good friend , one of my best ... came over because he was kicked out. Told him he could stay here - he was sick, told him we could get bupe , he left.... i just got a call "dont call me, dont talk to me, stay away im a fucking loser and im gonna just fuck up everything" - he got caught robbing a convenience store... his oxy habbit is bad. Ugh, :( this one really hurts me :(.
Yeah man it's hard watching people spiral down. Sometimes difficult experiences are what somebody needs to go through to learn what they are supposed to learn.

You can always be there for support if he wants it but ultimately it's up to him to accept it. Hopefully you will not take on his difficulties as your own, you don't have to feel responsible for trying to save him.
Oh man, that sucks.

All you can do is let him know you are there when he is ready to take your support. <3
Hope things work out for him.
I offered him money and everything to go into detox bent (you know how it is most ppl i know have to be high to go to detox ... otherwise they just are trying to score). Nope. Instead of takin my 200 up fornt he robs some little store and is now in jail :(
i know you have a good heart and really care about friends but you have struggles of your own and you gotta put your self first right now. you made a very generous offer of help and he went and did a totally dumb thing despite your concern and support.
like OD said, "be a voice on the phone but nothing more."
some people are like 5 gallon buckets with a hole in the bottom; no matter how much love and support you pour in, it is never enough to fill 'em up.
obviously idk your friend and maybe he's not like that but you know what i mean by saying that?
i hope your friend gets things sorted out.
I agree guys :( thats why im so broken up, I dont think I can do this anymore, I tr and try...ad just get burned.
So do make sure to take care of yourself, it sounds selfish but we're really of no use to others when we can't keep ourselves together. This often involves becoming as unattached to outcomes as possible, because somethings we really can't change no matter how much we want to.