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What the hell is happening :(



Hey guys,

I am currently sitting in my bed, shaking a little bit, feeling anxious and unable to fall asleep. I experienced this (much worse) yesterday at about same time. I am 21, male, and have a little experience with drugs (had shrooms once, mdma twice and cocaine once in the past, smoke weed twice a month)

The thing is, I had exctasy for the first time in my life 6 days ago, had terrible 5 minutes before kick-in, then a great trip. Day after that (New Years Eve) I got so drunk I dont rememer a single thing, I ended up very close to alcohol intoxication, I looked horrible. My friends say that I claimed I had cocaine that night, but unfortunately I can not remember. I had no comedown from exctasy and felt pretty normal after that alcohol & probably cocaine night as I vomited everything and my friends took good care of me.

However, I felt little bit strange and negative the next 3 days, had little trouble falling asleep, but everything seemed normal. But yesterday was bad...

Yesterday's morning I woke up and felt very strange, my heart was beating fast, I started to shake and became very anxious. Fortunately, my girlfriend woke up too and made me relaxed (but I felt really bad for like 30 minutes and the anxiety was enormous, absolutely no positive feelings, everything was bad, I was scared for my life). After she cooled me down, I fell asleep again and felt normal today. Until now.

In the moment I laid down to my bed, the shaking started again, anxiety kicked in and I have no idea what to do :( I calmed down a little bit writing this thread. Im sure that it will start again once I lay down though (its better when I sit, I simply can not lay down, that makes it worse).

Any help from more experienced people will be appreciated, help me please :( I have no idea how to fall asleep, whether this will return tommorow night and so on and so on.. :(
It's hard to tell if this is the case, but you may have gone through an mdma comedown and alcohol hangover at once. Your post seems to indicate that, and from what I heard it really sucks.

Having anxiety about it isn't going to help you either because it'll just make the symptoms seem or appear more prominent. If you really think you're sick and need medical attention, then obviously go to the hospital. Since you're on here asking for help, then I'm guessing it's not that bad so...

You should relax, eat healthy and think positively even if you feel like crap. Try to get some exercise in and abstain from all drugs for the time being. Doing all those things should help you immensely.
Chances are you didnt actualy take ex but some RC that mimics the effects of ex. Dont eat shit you cant identify if your worried about the comedown, god only knows what these 'Research chems' do in the long run. Ill bet that you will be fine, but buy a damn tester kit next time so at least you know what the hell your putting in your blood stream.
If for nothing else, you will have peace of mind knowing that its just extacy (mdma) and not some random RC that has little to no data

Im sure you will feel better eventualty, wait it out or get pro help from your local ER. They deal with this crap all the time now... people eating new drugs under the impression that they are the old mdma or lsd or whatever the fuck. There is alot of garbage floating around the black market because its just safer and more profitable for the dealer
Your likely to feel like this for a day or two - alcohol and MDMA can cause one hell of a comedown. That you may or may have not added coke to the mix would just make matters worse (sometimes the coke can allow you to drink more alcohol than your used to).

The palpitations/shaking and anxiety are tell tale signs of a heavy alcohol comedown/hangover (which can last long after the bad head leaves). Without resorting to another drug to counteract the anxiety then I suggest staying hydrated, eating properly, some vitamins (B complex) and just taking it easy (no stimulants including coffee).

IF any of your symptoms cause you actual pain then I would suggest seeing a doctor.