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what is the hardest you have blown up?

synchrojet - As the link above mentions, you need at least 200mg of mescaline for a useful dosage. Add binder, and that's a big-ass pill.
Also, synthetic mescaline, while possible, is mostly a myth due to production costs. Naturally occuring mescaline is also incredibly rare.
Add to that the fact that nobody has ever found mescaline in pills, and you can understand why your claim of "My friend gave me a pill and said it was mescaline" doesn't exactly instill confidence in us.
As for LSD, my understanding is that heat damages LSD. Even the heat generated in simple pressure-press pill production could damage it.
Unless you're talking about amateur crumbly-pill hand presses...
So you put LSD in pills? I think I'll go out and get a pill at lunch, coat it with strychnine, and let it sit. Then I'll come on Bluelight and tell everybody how there is most certainly strychnine in pills, since I've done it myself.
[ 26 June 2002: Message edited by: Cokeboy ]
while dropping LSD onto a pill is certainly feasible (and would make a convenient candyflip all-in-one) it just doesn't seem to be done out in the "commercial world" as a method of distribution. I don't think the acid would live long on the pill, though - not because of some chemical interaction, but because it would not be protected from heat and light.
You could sure drop LSD onto a pill but no one does this commercially (in a sense they press pills with LSD in them) and that is what I was refering to.
I could get some liquid lsd and drop it onto a pressed pill and take it, infact anyone with access to those drugs could do that.
I find the borderline hostility toward my posts mildly amusing. Especially yours, cokeboy. The idea that a mass production of a pill is a prerequisite for its legitimacy as an ingestible phenomenon is ludicrous.
The subtext of your reply is that I am fabricating.
The statement referring to 'my friend did...' is redundant, as I already conceded the point of diminished likelihood of mescaline.
Interestingly, the point was revisited as if to say, "Synchrojet, you are full of shit."
Imagine, hypothetically, of course...the existence of a wash, or collected pool, and the submergence of a pill or powder plate. Assume permeability (methylcellulose is not the only available binder). And what happens, exactly? Impregnation of MDMA powder with LSD is an impossibility...why? I'm not sure I understand here, cokeboy. Perhaps you will enlighten me with your vast chemical knowledge. More likely you will conduct a mad search on Erowid and then regurgitate that information as your own.
And what is the implication of a hand pill press being inadequate? Inadequate for mass production, certainly, but where did I ever suggest that I mass produced and sold pills? Commercial? What exactly are you implying here? That a pill must be commercially distributed to exist as a legitimate roll? Hmmm...
You ever spike a coke with rum?
Or is it impossible that I have had that, too?
I wonder more and more what this board is for...learning or flaming.
Once again, for the SLOW MINDED (cokeboy, that's your cue to pay attention):
I concede that the probability is that it was not mescaline, in light of what I have learned from references herein cited. It WAS a hallucinogen, with different properties than MDA or MDMA.
Oh, and for those ready to jump on the bullshit bandwagon, have your shit together and know your references chemically before you accuse me of fabrication, even in subtext. Light and heat degredation is not sufficient knowledge to reprimand my assertion of FACT.
Mods...thanks for the heads up on mescaline. I have learned from the references. Any ideas on what it may have been, then? Bear in mind that I did not weigh the pills. They were not crumbly. They were roughly twice the size (thickness was double, maybe more, so that they were 'barrel shaped')of a standard pill. They were brown.
Leaves a lot of room for speculation, indeed. Sorry about that. Its just that now I am really curious as to the contents of those particular pills.
[ 27 June 2002: Message edited by: synchrojet ]
New Years 1998/99 4 beige Windmills within 1.5 hours
after 1/2g of base through the afternoon.
Dropped 1st at 12 on the dot by 3 AM I was curled up in a ball in the kitchen asking my best friend to call an ambulence they infact called my brother (an experienced user from way back) who coached me through it by 5 I was stealing garden gnomes from the neighbours and having the best night of my life.
This goes to show that everyone has limits and you should know where yours is and ALWAYS have someone you totally trust with you while dropping.
Peace Out
back to the original topic, heh, this is a fun topic, don't take anyone's flames to heart, it's always nice to remember your hardest blowup :) well, the hardest I've ever blown up on MDx was when I injected 75mgs of pure MDA. It was excellent, I couldn't see I had nystagmus so intensely. I basically forgot that I was living and just experienced one extremely intense wave of energy blast through me. The peak of this experience only lasted 60 minutes (I was told by friend, I had no concept of time) and I came out of the peak, regaining vision, etc, drenched in sweat, and curled up on my bed with my blanket wrapped tight around me. This post has actually rekindled so much passion for that experience, that I'm tempted to go write up a trip report, hehe :)
[ 27 June 2002: Message edited by: C21H23NO5 ]
synchrojet - I'll place my knowledge, education, and experience against yours any day.
I never accused you of "fabricating". I said you were probably mistaken about the mescaline.
You jumped on somebody for saying that acid isn't found in pills. "I've done it!" was your rousing claim. Perhaps I should have spelled it out, since inferences aren't handled well by you: There is no substance that can be eliminated as an adulterant if that logic is used.
I can run home crush a pill, add some ground glass and perhaps a dash of anthrax, and put it in a #3 gelcap, and correctly claim that glass and anthrax have been used as adulterants.
Clear enough? Or perhaps you'd like to spend some more time listening to yourself talk?
As for the heat issue, it does not take much heat to degrade acid. When pills are professionally pressed, a certain amount of heat is generated.
Feel free to point out where I claimed it is impossible to impregnate MDMA with acid.
I didn't feel this way before, but I'll make this statement now: "synchrojet - I think you're full of shit".
You completely misread what was a fairly clear post, imagined that there was some slight involved, and made a bunch of noise that addressed a non-existent issue.
Lat year before Nocturnal I decided to go on a drinking binge since sleep was not an option in the unbearable heat. (I hate the fucking desert). The next day after standing in line for about 4 hours I doubledrop yellow gators....Almost a big mistake...Many times I had to leave the group that night to catch my head but none are more memorable than the first...I start to feel my hands go numb and everything starts to get real blurry and spinning around me. So I sit down and put my palms against the gorund as the world spins harder and faster, for about 10 minutes I was completely overtaken by vertigo and believed and felt that if I let go of the ground I would be thrown about by gravity like a ragdoll. What a fucking night that was...
(I also saw mad desert nomads chasing a donkey that night, weird)
[ 01 July 2002: Message edited by: SynapseDisruptor ]
I was at "Camp Bisco" a Disco Biscuits festival in Pennsylvania, with my BF, his roommate and another friend. I took what would amount to 1 1/2 pills of powdered mdma, we put it in a piece of rolling paper to ingest it. Went up to the festival from our tent came back to the tent between bands. We proceeded to do a few lines of the molly. We we left the tent my equilibrium was totally off, I was simply stumbling through the woods, walking amounst people's camp sights, probably almost falling over a few peeps too! I decided that I couldn't lead our group out of the forest that was full of tents, my BF's roommate decided he could. I turned to look at him as he passed in front of me, everywhere I turned he was there in front of me! I kept seeing the same huge tree and him everywhere I turned, it felt like I was eternally traped in that forest with no way out! after a few minutes I snapped out of it and started to exit the forest with the rest of my group. Definately thought that I was never coming out! On top of the hill were the bands were playing I say people turn into garbage bags...also I was walking back from the bathroom but not moving! I don't know...it's all kinda hard to explain....weird shit though...we all definately felt like we had some sort of alien or out of this world experience!
The first night my boyfriend and I moved into our own little flat, we had a whole pill & unpacked boxes, just for fun. When got to the fireplace (which is fake, with no fire in it), I put up candles surrounding a painting he did of a tiger all along the mantlepiece, lit them, and we sank back into the couch to stare at it.
I swear, it was the most amazing feeling, we both felt this huge rush - probably coupled with the love, satisfaction and novelty of being out on our own, plus this beautiful sight.
It's the best time I can remember.
The only other time which would come close is at a nightclub one night; I was sitting on one of those 'mechanical massage chairs' with the fingers that run up and down your spine, just as I was coming up. Whoa....! But the mantlepiece thing was even better I think.
I was at a club one night and it was probably about my 5th time dropping. Dropped the the pill...went into the dance. About 40 minutes later I was there dancing and I thought I wasn't going to feel anything. Then boom I was rolling like there's no tomorrow. It hit me so hard I got wobbly legs while I was dancing. It was a really fast rush of euphoria. My vision got really blurry. I was dancing in front of the lights and my vision was so blurred that at one point it looked like I was dancing in a dark room with different colored lights flashing everywhere. Very enjoyable.
I have a question for the people who know about acid in pills....
About a year ago I was offered acid in pill form. apparently it was just pure acid in one really small pill?? The guy who was going to get them for us said that he had done them and they were amazing. But from what you've said its impossible to put acid in pills (on a loage scale anyway).
Was the guy talking shit??
I suppose he could have been talking about microdots but they're much much smaller than a pill arent they??
Im confused.
This post has turned from the hardest you've ever blown up to "your weirdest E experience" the hardest I've ever blown up was sitting on my couch. I took about 10 really good, really fast deep breaths and then I leaned back as my friend placed both of his hands on either side of my throat and squeezed. At the same time, my other two friends shook my arms and legs and blew the Vicks in my face, I passed the hell out and for a brief second forgot everything that was happening-had happened, but HOLY SHIT that was awesome. Also another thing that was damn cool was in my backyard, we formed a huge circle holding each other's forearms and spinning around as fast as we could with our eyes closed, we blew up so hard that we all ended up laying in the grass.
[ 04 July 2002: Message edited by: rollinangel ]
hi. if you want to know how to BLOW UP!!!
Then you have to to some crazy things. Like if someone smack you if the fase and then kisses you =P
Or NO2 like you said.. iv tryed it and DAMN its a nice feeling :) one thing i really like is to me on a really BIG open area.. with grass or seed or something nice (in the middel of the day) and just RUN run like hell and then fly. it makes me get VERY happy. Im the king of the world in that moment Flying faster then the wind... try it its a blast.
and i supposed everyone tryed Sex and it is very good on the peak.
good lyck and dont be scared to try new things =)
there is no mescaline in any e pill whatsoever.
I don't care how much drug knowledge you claim to have , the chance of mescaline in e is 3%. Just thought you would like the truth , thats all.