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Need Help What is the best way to quit meth?

Emerald Dragon

Apr 13, 2020
I'm a 250mg/day IV meth user and am trying to quit. Smoked for 3 years and IV for about 6 months.

Am I better off going cold turkey or tapering? I have no local connection so if I flush everything I'm off for at least a few days no matter what. Cravings are pretty bad though. They are less intense if I smoke a bunch of weed but then I wonder if that might be ultimately counterproductive. Any prescription drugs that help?

I’ve been an on and off IV meth user and successfully taken multi-year breaks before starting again.

To quit my regime is to use benzos for first few days then rely upon seroquel or another anti-psychotic like Abilify that blocks meth so taking it has far less effect. Seroquel also seems to block cravings (abilify makes them worse for some people).

i also substitute ADHD stimulant meds (dexamfetamine or adderall) in low doses to help with cravings.

However, the important is starting the day with getting up early and going For a good long walk - it makes all the difference to how the day plays out.

also important is staying away from all your meth buddies. You’ve got to totally cut them out. Block their numbers etc.
With all precautionary measures in place, move to a remote and off the grid place. and then break free..
Staying away from meth buddies is easy as there aren't any. I mean zero. I've thought about Adderall but wondered if I would just get hooked on that instead. Would d-amp be better?

I guess the immediate question is what do I do with the 4 grams coming in the mail. Do I toss it, or use it to taper?

I'm a little surprised at how much of the posting here is opiate related. Is it the case that's just a lot more opiate users out there?
Staying away from meth buddies is easy as there aren't any. I mean zero. I've thought about Adderall but wondered if I would just get hooked on that instead. Would d-amp be better?

I guess the immediate question is what do I do with the 4 grams coming in the mail. Do I toss it, or use it to taper?

I'm a little surprised at how much of the posting here is opiate related. Is it the case that's just a lot more opiate users out there?
Being hooked an adderall probably an improvement on being iv meth user.

As for your 4 grams: I’ve always found it hard to taper meth because I’m a compulsive re-doser. If you have been sticking to just 250mg a day you must have better self control. But if you try to taper you are still going to get to the comedown point. I’d be inclined to toss your supply and go cold turkey. The worst is over in a couple of days.
there's a drought here so we've had no choice but to quit. been substituting using H but not getting a damn thing out of it much less getting absolutely nothing done. sleeping slot though. If it ever shows back up in tn I'm sure it will be taxed to the max. would be a good way to make a lil money though,lol.
Staying away from meth buddies is easy as there aren't any. I mean zero. I've thought about Adderall but wondered if I would just get hooked on that instead. Would d-amp be better?

I guess the immediate question is what do I do with the 4 grams coming in the mail. Do I toss it, or use it to taper?

I'm a little surprised at how much of the posting here is opiate related. Is it the case that's just a lot more opiate users out there?
you could always send it to me lol
Yeah tapering has been problematic for me. Cold turkey it is. I just went through 4 days off and it wasn't so bad...but as I recall right around a week off I got a crushing depression...and then fell back into using. It would help if you could tell me a little more about how weeks 2, 3, and 4 look. When does my brain start producing dopamine again? When do I get energy back? I'm a martial artist and it would be wonderful to be able to work out again.

Last time I stopped for a week I honestly didn't know if the depression was going to last a day or a month. My wife has no idea about all this so when I tell her I'd like to give her an idea of what I'll be in for.

One oddity...about 3 days after stopping I can tell when the drug is leaving my system - I get these sleep paralysis dreams that are somewhat terrifying. Only lasts a day or two thank god.
Meth has quite a long half-life after the stimulant effects wear off. I think that’s why the real crash comes 3-5 days after your last use. This has often happened to me - I get clean for maybe 5 days and feel great even getting some work done and then WHAM I’m suddenly on it again before I even realise the depression and cravings were even there.

I try and go for a walk as soon as I get up early every morning - I usually get up at 6:30 AM at do it. Even if I end up going back to bed afterwards it’s gives me some energy and sense of accomplishment towards recovery. Light exercise, even walking is the best thing for you.

As for dopamine, it begins building up again while you sleep and so long as you have the precursor chemicals from your diet or supplements. If I remember correctly, the main one is L-tyrosine which is obtained from eating protein.

Over the next few weeks you might feel a log of “emotional lability” basically emotions too strong or inappropriate for the stimuli or situation and emotions that rapidly cycle between up and down. For me, I cry a bit for no reason on the one hand and get a bit short tempered and shoot my mouth of on the other.

Just take each day as it comes and give yourself plenty of rest balanced with a reasonable amount of light exercise and eat a lot and keep your fluids up. You’ll be fine and you can vent or call out for help here anytime.