Mental Health What is the Best Antipsychotic?

Many times our state of mind creates itself from what others might think or say about us. In reality it can't be that close to what we know about ourselves.

Many times our depression or whatever mental illness we have comes from the place we live. If you live in a loud and uncomfrotable, it will lead to repeated problems which will result in worsening of the situation.

Another big one is having the wrong friends or dealing them in wrong ways. If your company is an always sober or just alkohol/tabacco/mj type of person, you will not have a great time there as an other substance user.
hey man, they helped me when I needed it most

I was scared shitless, and they helped me calm down, heal and get my life back together.

It's obvious most people hate them, I wouldn't want to take them if I didn't have to either.... but they helped me a lot at the time.

also, great for aborting bad trips... :)

APs have their usage, both in psychiatry and recreationally

I'm not a fan of spreading anti-AP sentiment.
hey man, they helped me when I needed it most

I was scared shitless, and they helped me calm down, heal and get my life back together.

It's obvious most people hate them, I wouldn't want to take them if I didn't have to either.... but they helped me a lot at the time.

also, great for aborting bad trips... :)

APs have their usage, both in psychiatry and recreationally

I'm not a fan of spreading anti-AP sentiment.
If you need it temporarily, for a few months, then well
otherwise is a very bad thing to take, at least some of them
I've read things like it makes certain parts of the brain smaller, overtime.
If you need it temporarily, for a few months, then well
otherwise is a very bad thing to take, at least some of them
I've read things like it makes certain parts of the brain smaller, overtime.
Many people need them for a few months, or more. They are not an inherently bad thing to take, but nobody should ever take them unless they truly need to, and they are overprescribed in general off label.

Daily alcohol, even recommended amounts, also shrinks the brain overtime. Many things do, including a lot of recreational drugs or other medications. It also occurs with age, a major decline starts around age 26, with people losing a couple grams of brain weight/density every year after that. There is about a 40-60% decline in brain density from age 25->80 iirc.
Many people need them for a few months, or more. They are not an inherently bad thing to take, but nobody should ever take them unless they truly need to, and they are overprescribed in general off label.

Daily alcohol, even recommended amounts, also shrinks the brain overtime. Many things do, including a lot of recreational drugs or other medications. It also occurs with age, a major decline starts around age 26, with people losing a couple grams of brain weight/density every year after that. There is about a 40-60% decline in brain density from age 25->80 iirc.
man, you're 'kinda depressing me,
I know that I'm not doing any good to my brain, but I try to be careful..
at least I managed not to need antipsychotics at the moment, and I hope I could find any herb that would do the trick instead of big pharma poisons.
man, you're 'kinda depressing me,
aging is depressing as fuck.... I'm not going to pretend it isn't

but in reality it's only a useless emotion, realizing how quickly time passes is the same emotion... and smart people realize how useless/distracting that emotion is, right?

**insert other random Buddhist/Taoist perspectives here**

at least I managed not to need antipsychotics at the moment, and I hope I could find any herb that would do the trick instead of big pharma poisons.
I really wish people didn't look at certain medications as poisons, aka APs and SSRIs (as of recent)

They may have low efficacy, and major side effects but they aren't really poisons that cause permanent damage. They really do help a lot of people.

During my psychosis I eventually gave up and went to psychiatry and trusted them. I recovered because of their treatment. Drugs, nootropics and herbs/supplements were only making it worse for me.
I really wish people didn't look at certain medications as poisons, aka APs and SSRIs (as of recent)
Think the problem emerges from over-prescription of these agents, so that we have a crowd of people for whom the side effects greatly overweigh the benefits. I agree to that we shouldn't see medications as poison for whose purpose we currently just don't have any better option but doctors tend also to see them as too benign. A old, experienced doctor once baffled me with the statement that if I had no psychosis, then I should feel nothing at all from an antipsychotic which is just a blatant, ignorant lie. Everybody gets side effects from antipsychotics but for some the benefits may overweigh the downsides. I got on SSRI with 17 for social anxiety and if I hadn't protested against (and in some cases just flushed pills), I'd be on antipsychotics for similarly as long (15+ years). I recently finally managed to quit SSRI, with the aid of fluoxetine to taper and kratom against the pain. Just to find out that after withdrawal and washout I feel very similar to while on SSRIs but nowadays my ADHD symptoms are more prominent than ever and my abilities to perform sexually are down the toilet and both don't seem to improve with time. I've eventually relapsed and are back on kratom - for what I heavily suspect to be post-SSRI symptoms.

But back to topic, antipsychotics. The same doc mentioned above wanted to inject me with Invega Sustenna, so that he wouldn't have to care about giving me the pills or maybe because he suspected that I didn't take them as prescribed. Not sure but given all the discussion here on BL about coming off Invega scared me quite a bit. I've tried almost all of the antipsychotics and none did the least bit to help with my drug- and sleep deprivation induced psychosis (which I mostly hid off the docs because I could extrapolated from others experienced what would follow, did I tell them) and residual symptoms. The partial agonists, while better than the full antagonists in the side effects department, still induced some anhedonia and brain fog and even exacerbated some of the residual symptoms (hearing stuff mostly, like whispers in running water). I eventually recovered without any medication upon giving my body and brain the sleep they need and less substance consumption.

Docs need to stop seeing antipsychotics and SSRIs as kind of a one-fix-for-all miracle drugs. They aren't. But of course for some people in some situation they are indeed less worse than the other choices.
If you need it temporarily, for a few months, then well
otherwise is a very bad thing to take, at least some of them
I've read things like it makes certain parts of the brain smaller, overtime.
@Snafu in the Void already said most of what I intended to say.

I just wanted to chime in that I've been on the max dose of Abilify for like 13 or 14 years. Virtually no side effects: no anhedonia, can sleep fine, can perform sexually, can feel weed, etc. The only thing I can't do is take psychedelics but they prolly aren't a good idea for me anyways.

Even asked my doc once about the brain shrinkage. He said schizophrenia can shrink the brain as well. So I guess the brain is gonna shrink either way; might as well have some quality of life rather than live with the symptoms. We are all different and react differently to medications, so YMMV.
aging is depressing as fuck.... I'm not going to pretend it isn't

but in reality it's only a useless emotion, realizing how quickly time passes is the same emotion... and smart people realize how useless/distracting that emotion is, right?

**insert other random Buddhist/Taoist perspectives here**

I really wish people didn't look at certain medications as poisons, aka APs and SSRIs (as of recent)

They may have low efficacy, and major side effects but they aren't really poisons that cause permanent damage. They really do help a lot of people.

During my psychosis I eventually gave up and went to psychiatry and trusted them. I recovered because of their treatment. Drugs, nootropics and herbs/supplements were only making it worse for me.
It's good that some of you have benefite, I guess that if no one ever benefited from those meds then they wouldn't be in the market in the first place.
I can only talk about what it's supposedly objective (papers I've read) and some subjective experience, people I know that have used both SSRIs and APs, and well, considering both things I don't feel inclined to use them myself, mostly because what I've seen in people I know (and what they told me about them) so then, I'm sure I'm biased (almost everyone is biased to a certain point) but... I know some people have no problems and probably no better alternatives.
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Personally for me all antypsychotics are awfull.all psychiatrick meds.....except proobably for ritalin&simmilar for adhd.Benzos too
During my psychosis I eventually gave up and went to psychiatry and trusted them. I recovered because of their treatment. Drugs, nootrop ics and herbs/supplements were only making it worse for me.

I had psychosis in the psych ward to and i gotta say i lost all faith in psychiatry in there just about. I had a quack for 3 months that didnt even give me a anti0psychotic although i was clearly psychotic. Her reasoning was that i was somehow suffering the after effects of weed psychosis lol. Lucky my brother who is a lawyer lost his shit and they got me a new shrink that was actually good. Only for that id probably still be in the psych ward
Maybe try caplyta. Its the newest antipsychotic. Its supposed to not antagonize dopamine receptors as strongly.
I like Haldol the most. It really helps with the paranoid anxiety I suffer from. I take 3mg every 24 hours. I can tolerate much more though. I'm talking 10mg fast acting injection. Though that is only when I'm in benzo/alcohol withdrawal and haven't slept in days.

I dislike all the atypical antipsychotics. Olanzapine and Quetiapine made me gain a lot of weight. Risperidone made me extremely restless to the point I had to smoke a fat joint every few hours just so I could stay still.

I think that these drugs really should not be taken daily for the majority of people.
Haldol makes me crazy lol