What is everyones favorite rolling trick!!!


Jan 9, 2000
Hey everyone, I was just curious so I could get some new ideas. What are your favorite tricks, things that are fun, things that you like to do while rolling.???
Mine is def steaming up the bathroom until it is so hot I can barely take it, then running out of the house and into the cold winter air. IF it is snowing it is unbelievable.
Look through these pages and you will find several very long threads on this very subject. Lots of great ideas from the Bluelighters.
My God, how is it possible to feel this good?
I have a really coll rolling trick...
Give me rolls and ill make them disappear.
my trick:
starts with a Really REALLY good pill
then i put it in my stomach....
then within an hour it magically MULTIPLIES into 3!
not only that.....but K MAGICALLY appears in my BLOODSTREAM!!!
then comes the second part...
getting kicked out of the party when it's over... and realizing that i haven't moved out of my seat for 8 HOURS!
ok...so it's not much of a trick...but i still gotta break that habit

"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"