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What insurance company do you have?


Sep 11, 2010
hey everyone, i was wondering what insurance co. you all had and what shit you get wen getting scripts for name brand oxycontin and other meds? I have scan and medi care part d and get shit with 80's but not 60's from scan. the med is in there formulary which means they cover it but its in the name oxycodone er and of course it has a quanity limited sign near that drug no biggie you can get a doc to authorize more if needed. Anyways back to the question so i went in to the pharmacy to go from 60's to 80's name brand and they said i need scan to authorize it and for my doc to fax them why i need it.....but not on the 40's or 60's humm weird ...? Also with there being a Ethex generic now do you guys think that when the script is ran at the pharmacy if on the script it states oxycodone er (generic) that it will go through wo authorization.....a good guess is well appreciated...? cause for the 40's and 60's name brand they didnt give a shit now for the 80's its a issue....? thnkx and also what hell do you all have to go through :X and what insurance do you have....?
i dont do oxy but for other meds i use hey dad gimme sum fuckin money-insurance company and it pays all the pharms pretty well lol
I have @&^%$ Cigna. They are really pissed about my preference for name brand Percs and they keep sending me letters about how I could save money by using a cheaper generic. But they really cant do shit about it and since they beat me to death with other bills and deductables and all kinds of phony charges, I enjoy sticking 'em with that 300.00 RX bill every month. :)
oh no i dont im sorry, was just stateing my insurance company. but i never pay anything for my hydrocode scripts and adderall.
cool i want to get on adderal again it made me get a lot done while on it

Ya im on scan and medicare part d meds are 3.10 for namebrand and 1.10 for generics