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What does "Stoned" mean to you ?


Aug 2, 2023
What does "Stoned" mean to you ? To me it's when I start feeling dizzy after smoking pot or doing another substance that make me feel that way. What's your definition of feeling "Stoned" ?
When your eyes are "burning" and feel bloodshot, I often tear up and get the sniffles after huge weed doses. Significantly lowered cognitive ability, low attention span, difficulty acting or speaking seriously, accompanied by heavy sedation and laziness (couch lock).

There is a certain sensation which, for lack of better words, feels like being "baked". You feel crispy, a little burnt. If you smoke enough without tolerance, that feeling can persist for 12-16+ hours.... which is what I believe most people are referring to when they say weed has a "hangover". (I find this feeling to be neutral, it's neither pleasant nor unpleasant, and makes me really enjoy cigs in the morning.

In a way, I look at it as the same thing as becoming "drunk" on alcohol. People's behaviors become obviously different than lower doses. They are obviously impaired.
When your eyes are "burning" and feel bloodshot, I often tear up and get the sniffles after huge weed doses. Significantly lowered cognitive ability, low attention span, difficulty acting or speaking seriously, accompanied by heavy sedation and laziness (couch lock).

There is a certain sensation which, for lack of better words, feels like being "baked". You feel crispy, a little burnt. If you smoke enough without tolerance, that feeling can persist for 12-16+ hours.... which is what I believe most people are referring to when they say weed has a "hangover". (I find this feeling to be neutral, it's neither pleasant nor unpleasant, and makes me really enjoy cigs in the morning.

In a way, I look at it as the same thing as becoming "drunk" on alcohol. People's behaviors become obviously different than lower doses. They are obviously impaired.
Yea that dry eye feeling is a big one for me
my eyes have always been good when smoking weed unless i was smoking mids with some pesticides or something.. then my throat and eyes would suffer...

i always thought stoned, baked, or high was the same thing... maybe stoned is a greater feeling than being high... idk.. kind of sounds like it if it has anything to do with people getting stoned as punishment... maybe stoned is smoking to the point where a person can't really move properly. i've definitely been there. if that's the way it is then i no longer get stoned no matter how much weed i consume.

when i get dizzy from drugs, i'd usually go with "Fucked up" or "have the spins" to describe my situation... the whole thing about people being "stoners" kind of makes me think of it as a milder sensation. like not all stoners are out to get messed up, they might just like the buzz/casual high.. or maybe weed doesn't affect a person like it used to, but they still smoke all the time, does that not make them a stoner cause they aren't experiencing the same high?

i can see pretty much any definition to describe different levels of marijuana effects.
i googled "stoned" and it says it could be drunk or from drugs in general... weird. i always thought it was a weed thing. i didn't think to search until i noticed this thread wasn't posted in the cannabis section.
There's nothing like the feeling of being on a Ferris Wheel... Going round and round and round. LOL !
I dunno. Cannabis has never made me feel anything but anxiety. So yeah I guess I use it when other people are high and laughing more than usual but I really don't personally know what an enjoyable thc-high feels like. And I wouldn't use it for other drugs... I'd use a different word.
When your eyes are "burning" and feel bloodshot, I often tear up and get the sniffles after huge weed doses. Significantly lowered cognitive ability, low attention span, difficulty acting or speaking seriously, accompanied by heavy sedation and laziness (couch lock).

There is a certain sensation which, for lack of better words, feels like being "baked". You feel crispy, a little burnt. If you smoke enough without tolerance, that feeling can persist for 12-16+ hours.... which is what I believe most people are referring to when they say weed has a "hangover". (I find this feeling to be neutral, it's neither pleasant nor unpleasant, and makes me really enjoy cigs in the morning.

In a way, I look at it as the same thing as becoming "drunk" on alcohol. People's behaviors become obviously different than lower doses. They are obviously impaired.

Oh, the water
Oh, the water
Oh, the water
Get it myself from the mountain stream
OT though: I am "stoned" when I am in a certain state of mind. Could be from the weed, the women, the wine, sometimes even the water.
Being so high that you forget that you are holding a beer and consequentially drop it.