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wellbutrin, zoloft, alcohol, and cocaine


Oct 2, 2017
i am new so i am sorry if this is in the wrong place or if i say something i'm not supposed to.

i am worried about my health. i'm 20 and i've been using cocaine recreationally for about 2.5 years. recently i got diagnosed with major depression and generalized anxiety disorder, so i now take wellbutrin 300mg xr and zoloft 20mg daily. is it safe to take coke and drink while on wellbutrin and zoloft? how can i be as safe as possible doing it?

i have done coke a few times since being on the medications and i was fine, but im just worried that that was a fluke or something.

also, i never do that much coke in a night, probably max .5 grams. i am also not a super heavy drinker, max 5-6 drinks.

** i've seen some posts about zoloft and coke or wellbutrin and coke but never zoloft AND wellbutrin AND coke so that's why i'm posting
thank you!
Hey Squirrel_girl welcome to Bluelight! Hope you stick around and enjoy the forums.

The danger in this combo is the interactions between Wellbutrin, Cocaine, and Alcohol. (Zoloft is dangerous when mixed with a lot of drugs as well, so be careful.)
Cocaine and Alcohol are bad alone and when taken together they create cocaethylene, which is even worse. In addition, taking the cocaine with the wellbutrin lowers your seizure threshold so you would be putting yourself at more risk of having a seizure.

If you were going to do cocaine it would be best if only done with the Zoloft.

I'm sure some other people will be even more helpful I just wanted to put down what I found.
Please talk to your doctor who prescribes you the Zoloft and Wellbutrin, tell him or her how you use cocaine and any other drugs both legal and illegal that you use. Even if you are a minor you will NOT get into legal trouble for this and there's such a thing as HIPPA laws and doctor/patient confidentiality.

It's far better to ask a doctor or other medical professional these questions about the drugs you are prescribed and the illegal ones you take, and any interactions than it is to ask random strangers online who are not doctors or medical professionals at all.
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Please talk to your doctor who prescribes you the Zoloft and Wellbutrin, tell him or her how you use cocaine and any other drugs both legal and illegal that you use. Even if you are a minor you will NOT get into legal trouble for this and there's such a thing as HIPPA laws and doctor/patient confidentiality.

Man, this is all I ever see you say. I'm not trying to be a dick, but... dude.
Please talk to your doctor who prescribes you the Zoloft and Wellbutrin, tell him or her how you use cocaine and any other drugs both legal and illegal that you use. Even if you are a minor you will NOT get into legal trouble for this and there's such a thing as HIPPA laws and doctor/patient confidentiality.

It's far better to ask a doctor or other medical professional these questions about the drugs you are prescribed and the illegal ones you take, and any interactions than it is to ask random strangers online who are not doctors or medical professionals at all.

I can't tell my doctor because my anxiety is really bad and I'm trying to get benzos, and if I tell her about any drug use, there's no chance she'll prescribe them to me. I know that sounds pretty fiend-y but I legit want them because of anxiety not to abuse. I know it would be best to talk to her, but since I feel I can't, I've come here. Thanks for your reply though!
Hey Squirrel_girl welcome to Bluelight! Hope you stick around and enjoy the forums.

The danger in this combo is the interactions between Wellbutrin, Cocaine, and Alcohol. (Zoloft is dangerous when mixed with a lot of drugs as well, so be careful.)
Cocaine and Alcohol are bad alone and when taken together they create cocaethylene, which is even worse. In addition, taking the cocaine with the wellbutrin lowers your seizure threshold so you would be putting yourself at more risk of having a seizure.

If you were going to do cocaine it would be best if only done with the Zoloft.

I'm sure some other people will be even more helpful I just wanted to put down what I found.

Thanks for your reply. I'm honestly trying to get off the zoloft soon but I will keep this in mind. The seizure risk was something I was very stressed about. I've done it a few times since being on these meds but I think I really need to stop ://
I am on 300mg Wellbutrin. I use to use daily for a few years. No seizures. Now I use once a month half an 8-ball at a time. Still no seizures.

Everyone is different though.
I am on 300mg Wellbutrin. I use to use daily for a few years. No seizures. Now I use once a month half an 8-ball at a time. Still no seizures.

Everyone is different though.

this is quite good to know bc honestly im not sure i'd be able to stop even tho i should for my health. thanks!
Man, this is all I ever see you say. I'm not trying to be a dick, but... dude.
I see your point sharito. I can never tell my GP about illegal drugs for many reasons. One is that yes- he will ban me from benzos if I say I do speed, which is ridiculous because that would kill someone. If you arent willing to go to rehab, dont tell your MD shit you dont need to.

Wellbutrin does NOT mix well with alcohol. I can tell you firsthand. I have been drinking and doing drugs and have taken 4 ssri’s and 1 snri and with wellbutrin- after 3 drinks I got hives and a headache and puked. That shit may work but its for people who do not drink (for the most part).

Zoloft and prozac, almost everyone I know on those two ssri’s never had issues when drinking. Maybe waiting until week 2 or 3 though to be safe before starting drinking heavily again.

The whole dont do coke and drink thing is silly cause who does coke not drunk? Lol well me, but still, the key to that is just know your limits. Do bumps never gator tails (huge lines), especially at first before you know what kinda yay you are dealing with. If you do bumps every 30 minutes you will never be in a risky situation.

The cold hard truth is if you want the antidepressants to work you should be sober, most days. If you are willing to compromise their efficacy which I am, then just go easy at first and know that the side effects almost always get better after 1-2 months max (for the antidepressants).

If you are worried about your BP, do some taichi, walk slowly, listen to pan flute soothing music or call a friend and just listen to them talk about their week- works every time. Benzos can be taken with speed as they arent opiates, its not a speedball. Taking 0.5mg of xanax or klonopin and then resuming your coke bender 20-40 mins later is harmless. Ive done it 5000 times probably- not kidding.

When in doubt, call a friend or even a kind acquaintance and watch how listening to someone talk about something they enjoy or even helping them with a issue can make your anxiety melt away.

Cheers everyone.

99% of MDs will take away your benzo rights for a year or more if you admit you do street drugs and or say you must do rehab. Not saying thats a bad solution for some but for us who know what to do just have fun, dont go too hard, and everything in moderation is fine.
I am on 300mg Wellbutrin. I use to use daily for a few years. No seizures. Now I use once a month half an 8-ball at a time. Still no seizures.

Everyone is different though.
Everyone is different for sure. Im going back to zoloft after trying it before. Ive done prozac, lexapro, cymbalta and wellbutrin. Wellbutrin is the only one id never drink on again.

Ssri’s you can drink on.i hate not being able to finish sexually easy on ssri’s… thats my main gripe with them. That and also the emotional blunting. I feel a bit zombie ish and thats because thats what they do- numb you so you if you are ocd your thoughts dont race anymore. For me thats tough cause my fast racing thoughts allow me to do things like learn fluent Mandarin in 6 months on my own, become a professional painter in 3 months on my own and write short stories in 10 minutes without stopping typing once that are good enough to be in the NY Times (my friend who works there is offering to publish two of my pieces).

However, racing thoughts and compulsion when drunk and especially on speed can lead to me being delusional and i almost lost my current gf 5x and lost 2 gf’s in the past from late night delusional text rants… insane stuff.

Anyways. I tried wellbutrin for 4 days and had to stop. Id have 1-2 drinks and my arms got hives and id feel woozy and nauseous. I told my GP that would happen and he ignored me. Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Mayo, Cleveland Clinic etc’s websites allllll day NEVER DRINK ON WELLBUTRIN but YOU CAN DRINK ON SSRI’s like zoloft or prozac. I am pretty sure those institutes know what the f@ck they are talking about. My GP is 33 and I am 35 and I have educated him on medicine and physiology in the past 6 yrs than he has educated me 5fold. Dont ever assume an MD, especially a GP is smart. They have never done drugs themselves and they are just spitting out whatever BS they learned from their profs who also never did drugs.

I asked my GP once, “if cocaine is so dangerous than why are there only 4000 overdoses annually in USA if you just look at toxicology reports with cocaine only?”. Mind you, alcohol overdoses in America were 155,000 last year, ibuprofen… 400,000 deaths. Cocaine is safer than jaywalking as long as its not cut with fentanyl and as long as you dont do a 6 inch line with a low tolerance like an idiot.

Its super illegal because its nearly scent-less, and light weight so its easy to smuggle into the US or anywhere and the government is furious they cant tax a 500 bill dollar a year industry… so they lie to people online that its deadly to discourage purchasing it…. Yet they promote oxycodone and shit like morphine over kratom (100% organic tree leaves) because pharma companies pay lobbyists millions to alter laws to help them make more profit…

Anyone disagree? I have lived in 35 countries, done every drug on earth, have a master’s from Univ of Michigan, speak 5 languages, lived on a cocoa plant farm in Medellin, Colombia, and scored in the 98 percentile on the MCAT despite never studying medicine in college.


Happy to answer any questions anytime.
I am on 300mg Wellbutrin. I use to use daily for a few years. No seizures. Now I use once a month half an 8-ball at a time. Still no seizures.

Everyone is different though.
Kgeise- I didnt say I was gonna have seizures but to say you havent had any seizures yet is like saying you havent gotten in a drunk driving car accident yet. One seizure and you have a high chance of dying.. meaning one time is one time too many.

Im not arguing with you. I have done 2-3 G of blow on average every single day for 6-7 yrs in a row. Living in Medellin where 95-98% pure was 5 usd a gram didnt help let me tell you lol!

I know my body. For me wellbutrin isnt a good fit. Im back on Zoloft aka Sertraline , just 25mg a day and i like it. You can feel the serotonin in thr first week and it causes no side effects for me. It curbs my drinking and snorting and i smile more often and dont experience the dumbing down effect - probably cause im just on 25mg a day and not 100-200.

Everyone is different. Thats for sure. Half my friends wanna go slower and half wanna go faster. That alone shows you how different people are with their wants, desires and their weaknesses from certain drugs and their side effects.

