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Weird close eyed feeling/hallucination - black and white square


Dec 8, 2016
Hey guys!

I have a number of questions but this is something that has been bothering me for a while. First I'll describe the symptoms then go into my history a bit.

This is a weird feeling that's really difficult to describe but here goes: Closed eye square thing (for some reason it's a regular square, sometimes it takes the form of a very square sofa/chair or something similar). The square is black and white and it jumps from between being really close up and really far away, its a weird perspective thing. It's located in a hallway imagine this but blank, no doors or details or anything, just a plain hallwayhttp://orig09.deviantart.net/b4fb/f/2010/284/d/e/hallway_drawing_by_marcychristashawn-d30lb3f.jpg. The hallway is long (much longer than that picture) and the square/chair gets big and small and alternates between them fairly quickly. It's usually located a little off center. The visuals are almost like a gif that repeats over and over every half second or so.

It's also associated with a strange feeling that's much harder to describe. I guess the best way to describe it is a vertigo feeling, there's dizziness but there's more to it than that. I don't exactly know how to accurately describe it. I don't need to be asleep to feel this and the weird thing is I don't think I see the square with my eyes open but I can feel it.

I was recently reminded of this as I mentioned it to someone recently and they had no idea what I was talking about. This has happened for as long as I can remember during fevers. The first time I remember feeling this I was very young (in the single digits). I've also experienced this on some hallucinogenics. This is (hopefully obviously) something that's happened since before I used any sort of drug myself.

I'm currently on Buproprion, adderall and take some benzos for anxiety/insomnia. Been getting a lot of weird symptoms, nothing life changing, just unusual; brain zaps, weird feeling in my nose and mouth, my throat makes some strange noises and feels strange. Anyway that's not what I'm asking about now (though it would be nice to know about those too) I'm mostly wondering if anyone has experienced the weird square thing I'd like to know if you know anything about it. Sorry for the poor description, it's like trying to describe DMT to someone (which coincidentally also gave me this feeling).

Thanks guys!

edit: Seems like this might be a fever dream. Anyone else have these experiences, it's very weird especially when awake.

Best Answer:The long, tedious, seemingly endless string of dream sequences that often accompanies an illness that includes a fever. Not usually so frightening as tiring and weird -- long hallways, destinations never actually reached, confusion, dense but only mildly significant symbolism.

I think they probably have something in common with dreams induced by medication, mild poisons (including food-poisoning), and non-lethal but excessive doses of drugs.

Your body is too weak to wake up, but your brain churns on. Blood is racing through your body to deliver material to fight the infection, and you are sweating like crazy to help eliminate the toxins.