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Weed hard to find in Canada?


Sep 20, 2007
any1 else from eastern canada having more trouble than usual getting weed?
not at all, it is everywhere although you're going to have to know someone to find some. There's no open market AFAIK anywhere in eastern canada. I think cannabis is the most plentiful drug in Canada, it's hard to even walk down the street without smelling it.
Im from your area, and one thing you must know, from mid july to mid august, most of the people controlling the weed in this area, they control it so the market price goes up. This way, they are able to sell the outdoor stuff coming out a bit later... but it is still plentiful.. just cost much... be ready to pay at least 30% more than usual.
that's really interesting, i've heard the same thing from many people and even the guy i know who sells to me now said the same thing. Of course this doesn't affect everyone as i'm sure there are supply chains that go from grower to dealer to user rather than being controlled. I'd love to find out how it all works behind the scenes.
oh another thing to take in note, July/August is the time where people take their vacation. It means more casual smokers. It also means it's the time of the year weed is in the more in demand. That means it's still gonna sell if you sell it higher pricing...

there you go..
not at all, it is everywhere although you're going to have to know someone to find some. There's no open market AFAIK anywhere in eastern canada. I think cannabis is the most plentiful drug in Canada, it's hard to even walk down the street without smelling it.

There are certain areas where you can basically walk into a bar here and order it like you could a drink :) . I'm not sure if someone from the mainland would be able to pull it off without narc signs going off in peoples heads but there are a few areas like that where the cops won't bother you at all for ganja or anything else really. Unless your being a real obvious asshole about it of course :\

I haven't had any more trouble getting weed now then i did the rest of the year. But i know someone that always has it no matter how dry things are so that comes in handy. Sometimes shit does go really dry here and it does tend to be around the summer time usually. Once the new outdoor crop is picked then there's plenty to go around.
Im from your area, and one thing you must know, from mid july to mid august, most of the people controlling the weed in this area, they control it so the market price goes up. This way, they are able to sell the outdoor stuff coming out a bit later... but it is still plentiful.. just cost much... be ready to pay at least 30% more than usual.

thats exactly my problem... im paying about 30% more than usual i mean shit! its almost not worth buying anymore....
Its everywhere, just ask and dont be shy. If not, there is a very reputable mom that you can use. A lil searching is all
Never thought I'd hear someone ask this question
The one and only time I ever visited Canada I incidentally found some fine nugs with in 45 minutes of being in Windsor