web security?


Oct 3, 2014
Should you use a vpn or tor to connect to this website? Do the ips get logged? Im sure it does this being a web board as i have owned a few. Is this site being monitored by feds?

Didnt know where to post this. Im using sniffjoke which is a linux program only works on Linux while it shows an ip it evades the option to be traced by editing all traffic being sent out.

It handles transparently to your TCP connection, delaying, modifying and injecting fake packets inside your transmission, make them almost impossible to be correctly read by a passive wiretapping technology (IDS or sniffer). An internet client running SniffJoke injects in the transmission flow some packets able to seriously disturb passive analysis like sniffing, interception and low level information theft.
What other options besides sniffjoke have you considered?
Well heres my setup on my desktop. Im mobile right now.
I use Debian Linux so i run a chain of vpns basically a list of 250 virtual private networks, with 1000 private SOCK5s, with sniffjoke, while also running TOR (The Onion Router) with the chain of vpns my ip address alternates from country to country. Before they were able to trace the vpn they would have to go through the SOCK5 proxies but before they go to that they would have to break TOR using a Java and Ruby exploit monitoring the exit nodes. Then if they got to the vpns they would have to do a reverse route injection which is only possible if IpSec is enabled through the vpn daemon. Since Im not running openvpn this isnt possible as i make my own vpns through a VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server). Now Sniffjoke comes in so they cannot read anything Im typing. If they looked at the packets it would show a bunch of scrambled numbers. Even if they tried to forge packets back to my connection it would not go through because Sniffjoke edits the packets and since im own several vpns, sock5s, and tor the packet would not go to me but somewhere else. Im a certified Computer Forensics Analyst and if there is one thing i know its computers and networking; specifically Cisco Networking.
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Tor AND VPNs, and you're not using TAILS? Shame on you!