Warrant for arrest -- what do they do to you if you GO TO THEM?


Jan 16, 2000
What happens if there is a warrant for your arrest (for very stupid car related things, which are stupidly consider criminal), and you GO TO THE COURTHOUSE? Do they arrest you anyway?
Yeah, my mother had one years ago, for something I don't even recall, but it was also car/traffic related IIRC She wasn't some punk kid though, an upstanding woman, executive in a very prominent company and she exuded class and whatnot, so that makes a big difference. she was still booked or whatever it is claled when she went in. Though they treated her very well. She was laughing with them, and making jokes. Gettin hit on by the cops lol They didn't put her in a cell...and she didn't stay longer than an hour or so. I don't even remember what the court day entailed, after the arrest. But I do know she was "arrested"

She kept her little picture she had from her arrest and showed it to everyone :D funny stuff.

good luck though, if this is you, fairnymph

I would get a lawyer before you go down. They can advise what to say when you get there, if anything!!
So they DID actually arrest her, even though she went in of her own accord?

Because arrests go on your record.
Yes, U will be arrested, cuffed and escorted to the jail for processing.

Persons that surrender before the judge from which court the arrest warrant was issued R far more likely to be released on an O.R. bond. As a precautionary measure, it would be advisable to visit a bonding agent prior to appearing in court. Often, the bonding agent will appear with the client to facilitate the process.

STOP THE PRESSES! Mass. has a program referred to as the "Warrant Management System". Apparently warrants R mailed to people (was yours mailed?) and they R allowed to contact the Department of Warrants Management and resolve misd. matters that merely involve the payment of fines, costs, etc. Alternatively, it may be possible to enter a guilty plea at the time of your surrender if the matter is a non-violence related misd.

Call the clerk of the court in reference for detailed instructions for proper handling of the warrant.
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The summons was for 'car abandonment' (the car is def not abandoned, never was, all the actual car stuff was dealt with months ago) and I never recieved it/them, because they were mailed to my home and my mom never forwarded them. She called me today to tell me that the cops came to our/her house to arrest me!

see? doing the right thing is always good... even when the right thing seems like it isn't
ill join the bandwagon and give a big hurray for fairnymph
NB: Generally speaking, it's bad to have a warrant for your arrest out there! If the cops find you, they WILL book you and and put your ass in jail.

A warrant for arrest is often issued for failure to appear in court. If you find out there's a warrant for your arrest for failure to appear, DO locate your attorney, go show up at the courthouse with him/her, and put yourself back on the calendar.
I think I may have a speeding ticket in pa which I haven't paid(stupidest road trip ever)...its been over 2 years at least. I think I have a warrent but you know whats funny...I was driving my friends car and he had points against his liscense when he went to get his insurance renewed because of my ticket. I didnt think they were able to do that.