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Vatican Car Used To Smuggle Drugs


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Vatican Car Used To Smuggle Drugs
By Kira Brekke

Two Italians were arrested on Tuesday after French police found cocaine and cannabis in the Vatican librarian's car.

The car belonged to retired 91-year-old Argentine Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejia, who is currently bedridden. The cardinal's secretary entrusted the detained men with the car for a routine service.

The not-so-dynamic Italian duo allegedly bought the drugs in Spain and were stopped at a toll station near the French Alps in Chambéry. Outlets are reporting different amounts but according to Business Insider, the car was found with a whopping 4 kilos of cocaine and anywhere between 150 and 200 grams of marijuana. Some reports claim the two may have been motivated by the protection of the car's official diplomatic plates.

The Holy See confirmed the car was one of its own but emphasized the Italians are not Vatican City citizens nor do they have any affiliation with the Pope or his staff members.

Pope Francis has come down hard on drug usage, calling drug addiction "evil" and frequently condemning the legalization of recreational drugs.

read more here http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/18/vatican-car-smuggle-drugs_n_5839034.html
Mama F**king Mia!!!

Pope Francis has come down hard on drug usage, calling drug addiction "evil" and frequently condemning the legalization of recreational drugs.

So I've heard.

Here's the issue I have with the pope: Apparently he's supposed to be an example, or someone who practices what he preaches, so to speak.

Well, what the fuck is up with the following shit then?

The pope is reportedly spotted throughout the day with his homestyle caffeinated drink in hand, which apparently has a very high caffeine content and kinda looks like a pipe:

Many of his associates are apparently frequently seen mingling together while blackening their lungs with tobacco smoke, such as in this example:

And here is the pope about to partake in the drinking of wine while countless other Christians instead use ordinary grape juice - why can't he?

Sorry pope.

Even though it may seem like it, I don't have anything personal against the recreational use of caffeine, nicotine, or ethyl alcohol. But you can be certain that I will use it against you if you're gonna preach to those of us who prefer other substances that our habits are evil.

What - and yours aren't? How convenient that must be for you! 8)

Edit - P.S. If the argument for the wine is that it's religious use and not recreational, then the same courtesy should be provided to the religions which consider Cannabis Sativa (marijuana), Erythroxylum Coca (source of cocaine), and/or Papaver Somniferum (opium poppy) to be sacred and used ritually or religiously. Booyah!
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They really are starting to look like the gangsters they are.


I'm not surprised. Various, business people who are all from southern Italian regions have been linked with them for awhile.

In the 2nd pic they're smoking cigarettes. In the first picture it's not a bong, pipe, or smoking device. It's a yerba mate gourd or bombilla with a metal stem that you sip the yerba mate from.

@NSA: In Italy people who are involved in that sort of business look normal like everyone else, and blend in very well.

It's not like it is in the United States with the negative Italian/Italian-American stereotypical movies, TV shows, or with certain East Coast, Midwest, and West Coast people who do this as an alternative job who can't keep a low profile even doing things like becoming rats or giving interviews to the press talking about how they're the supposed boss.
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BTW in the pic where the pope was sucking on what looked like a "pipe," that actually is nothing more than a bombilla and gord, used to drink mate. Mate is more like tea than anything else. In fact mate is the tea of TEAs, the best stuff in the world afaic. Just to clear that up... Or am I missing something? I mean, yeah, caffeine is a drug, but not the kinda drug we're talking about here, right? Why does it matter the pope was drinking mate? Is he not allowed coffee or tea or something? I know nothing about Catholicism, obviously, and don't care all that much too. But come on... I drink mate every day and it's effects are nothing significantly more than drinking coffee or some good black tea, white tea or oolong. But it's still better for you than any coffee or tea I've ever heard of. Viva mate, the gord, and bombilla!
'Tis poop, this war on certain drugs.

BTW in the pic where the pope was sucking on what looked like a "pipe," that actually is nothing more than a bombilla and gord, used to drink mate. Mate is more like tea than anything else. In fact mate is the tea of TEAs, the best stuff in the world afaic. Just to clear that up... Or am I missing something? I mean, yeah, caffeine is a drug, but not the kinda drug we're talking about here, right? Why does it matter the pope was drinking mate? Is he not allowed coffee or tea or something? I know nothing about Catholicism, obviously, and don't care all that much too. But come on... I drink mate every day and it's effects are nothing significantly more than drinking coffee or some good black tea, white tea or oolong. But it's still better for you than any coffee or tea I've ever heard of. Viva mate, the gord, and bombilla!

Well, other than alcohol, the Bible doesn't mention teas or caffeine, or any other drugs for that matter.

I had a chance to read it cover to cover a couple of years ago (the New Living Translation version) and, from what I recall, alcohol use is mostly discouraged, but in at least one verse (1 Timothy 5:23) it is encouraged in what seems like a therapeutic setting.

So no, according to his religion, the pope is not sinning because he's drinking Yerba Mate - that is, if you ask me, because my views may not be shared by other Christians.

I knew it wasn't a pipe - I just said it kind of looks like one, mainly because I'm somewhat upset with his views.

Besides, the poor guy only has one lung - smoking is probably out of the question.

Also, tobacco and nicotine aren't mentioned in the Bible either, AFAIK. So perhaps the pope's associates are not sinning by way of smoking as well (again, according to my views).

That said, the Bible does mention that the body is the "Temple of the Holy Spirit," and that it should be treated that way. And many Christians seem to believe that means to not knowingly damage it by way of recreational activities, such as smoking. And in most places, people do know that smoking can harm them, as it says so on the pack (hopefully they know how to read it).

There's also the issue with some Christians believing that smoking and drinking (and recreational drug use in general) are idols, and that one or two of the Ten Commandments forbids it.

I know that might sound a little too strict - where do you draw the line then? No TV? No sex (other than to conceive a child)? No masturbating? No junk or comfort foods?

If there is one thing I've learned about Christians, it's the fact that a significant portion of them like to interpret the Bible to suit their needs. And I suppose this may be the politically incorrect reason as to why there now exists over 36,000 Christian denominations - or not, but I digress.

Regarding the pope's tea once again - even if we drop the tea drinking, that still leaves smoking and alcohol use (both in a religious and recreational setting) for many men and women whom identify themselves as Catholics.

For the record, I sincerely do not wish to get into a religious debate regarding Bible interpretation(s).

Rather, although possibly not very effective, I am simply attempting to effectively express the fact that I take offense to the pope condemning recreational drug use when he consumes a caffeinated beverage or tea, and when some of his 'associates' smoke tobacco, and also when countless Catholics are consuming alcoholic beverages for the fun of it. And who knows, perhaps so does the pope.

And if that is indeed the case with the pope, the cardinals, and Catholics all over the world (which I strongly believe it is since I was dragged to church for many years while growing up), then I believe it is wrong of him to condemn my decision to consume other plants with mind altering constituents in a recreational setting.

It should also be noted that Erythroxylum Coca leaves are consumed in the form of a tea as well in a small part of the world. And I'm certain that it would be consumed in a similar fashion in many other parts of world if it wasn't for the ratification of UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs treaties.

Regardless of the consequences of the aforementioned treaties, can I not at least drink coca leaves tea if he gets to drink tea with caffeine, theobromine and theophylline without fear of persecution and prosecution?

I think I should be able to. I'm not victimizing anyone. I may be sinning according to certain Christians, but I disagree.

'Tis poop I tell ya, this war on certain drugs. Poop, cacadookie, however you prefer to say it - oh shit I forgot to turn off the stove (Edit - oh no, not my crack! I'm just kidding).
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That said, the Bible does mention that the body is the "Temple of the Holy Spirit," and that it should be treated that way. And many Christians seem to believe that means to not knowingly damage it by way of recreational activities, such as smoking. And in most places, people do know that smoking can harm them, as it says so on the pack (hopefully they know how to read it).

When taken in context it doesn't really seem to mean that.

18 Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,
20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
@NSA: In Italy people who are involved in that sort of business look normal like everyone else, and blend in very well.

It's not like it is in the United States with the negative Italian/Italian-American stereotypical movies, TV shows, or with certain East Coast, Midwest, and West Coast people who do this as an alternative job who can't keep a low profile even doing things like becoming rats or giving interviews to the press talking about how they're the supposed boss.

I was more referring to the gaudy dress and gold chains. But those sideburns are pretty wild. Your right though, those facial expressions could be right out the gangster movies or mob surveillance shots. I love how the catholic church enjoys a tax exempt status in the US and its representatives walk around with gaudy gold jewelry with some living in substantial luxury.
When taken in context it doesn't really seem to mean that.

18 Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,
20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

You're probably right.

I yield, you win.

I love how the catholic church enjoys a tax exempt status in the US and its representatives walk around with gaudy gold jewelry with some living in substantial luxury.

Is that so? I had no idea.
